Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Need I say more?

Her onesie says it all...she loves to eat. She is now 10 weeks and 3 days...I can hardly believe it. It just seems so crazy how quick time is flying by. It seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital and that she was 5 tiny pounds. Now she has doubled in size and will be 3 months old in a week and a half. I just can't believe it. I look forward to the new things she will do but it also makes me sad because I know that she will just continue to grow and grow. People always tell you to enjoy the time you have because they grow up so fast and now I see what they mean. I remember finding out that we were though it was just the other day. For those of you that do not know...Mike and I were married in May of 2007. We both wanted to start a family fairly quickly because neither of us were spring chickens. We got pregnant in November and we were so excited. My pregnancy flew by and next thing I know...I am in the hospital about to deliver our sweet baby girl...and now here we are 10 weeks later. Although I want to enjoy the present...I am excited to watch her grow into the beautiful sweet girl I know she will be.

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