Once again...we saw a photo op while Ansley was sleeping...which at this point she isn't doing much else. Mike got this bunny pillow for her and she loves it. It's one of those pillows you can lay over the crib or lay flat for her to sleep on. We thought it would be both a cute photo for us and a cozy sleeping area for Ansley. She didn't seem to mind at all...as soon as we put her down...she was out. I wasn't sure what we would do with the bunny (other than leaving it on the crib for decoration) so I was glad to take some pics of our sleeping beauty.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gotta love that boppy
Well, Ansley is loving her boppy. She is so small that we were able to put her in the middle of the boppy and she still has some room. She was so comfortable that she feel asleep while she was sitting in the boppy and we just had to take some pictures. She really is so sweet and she loves being held or confined in small spaces. I think it reminds her of being in my tummy. Anyway, these were too cute not to pass on or share...so here you go. I hope everyone is not getting tired of these pics...
It seems like I have been taking a lot of the pictures of Ansley and haven't been taking any WITH Ansley...so I had Mike take some. It is kind of weird to give birth to a baby that really looks nothing like you. I have to say...it's a little strange. I love the fact that she looks like Mike (and to be honest...I am happy for her because we all know how hot he is) but I really thought she would have some of me in her. I thought that since I am half Korean...some of my traits would be more dominant...but not so much. No biggie though cause I love that she looks like Mike although he doesn't see it. I don't think that Mike thinks she looks like either of us. People are saying either Mike or a "perfect blend of both of us". Anyway, here are some photos of her and I together.
Yep...he's a natural
Well, I have to say...Mike is so good with Ansley. I was never worried about him being good with her...but all the nervous talk he did prior to us having her...it did make me wonder how comfortable he would be. He is so great with her. He loves her so much...it honestly makes my heart melt how awesome he is with her. He has been picking her up like he's never had that one year rule. He feeds her and changes her diaper like he has been doing it for years. For those that really know Mike...you would be so surprised and proud of him. I know this sounds so corny but watching him with her...it makes me love him even more. He is the best hubby and the best daddy. I just know that she is going to be a daddy's girl. Anyway, I just wanted to brag on him a little...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Saved by the fam
The Nursery
Okay...it's been way too long and I have been meaning to post pictures of my nursery on here. I am sorry that it took me so long. I cannot take much credit though because Mike did a lot of the work and helped me with almost everything. He and my dad painted the room and put the crib together. Mike put pretty much everything else together including the dots on the walls. My mom made the curtains, blanket, bedskirt, and the diaper stacker. She did such an awesome job...I love the way it all turned out. I wanted to do something girly but not too baby looking so that I could leave it up until she gets older. I thought about doing purple and green...and thought about doing aqua and green...but decided on pink and green. Anyway, Ihope you enjoy and that you love it as much as we do.
Got sleep?...No seriously
Ansley and I have been trying our best to get into a routine. We have been doing pretty good...but I do have to say...this is nothing like I thought it would be. It is much harder than I had expected. I have a new respect for sleep. I think back to when I was pregnant and remember all the people that told me to sleep as much as possible...and I didn't listen...man was I an idiot! I was such a deep sleeper before I had Ansley and I never thought I would be able to survive off of the little sleep I have been getting. I am kind of proud of myself because I was really worried I would not be able to hear her and that I would not be able to get up to take care of her in the early hours of the morning. I thought Mike would be the one to get up with her since he is the early riser and I am the night owl. Overall though...she does great during the day taking her naps...but come 2am...she is wide awake. Our usual "play time" is anywhere between 2am and 6am...so I ask again...got sleep? cause I sure could use some. I know that it will get better and I am looking forward to that time but for now...I guess I will just endure our "play time".
Monday, July 21, 2008
Home sweet home
We were able to leave the hospital on Wednesday around 3 pm. By the time we got home...it was around 4pm. The first few days/nights were a little rough...but it gets better each day. I can't believe how hard this is though. I knew it would be difficult...but I had no idea just how hard it would be. I really love it and I love taking care of Ansley...but there are times when it is just difficult. I feel thankful that my mom has been staying with me and helping me with everything. I also have people coming by to visit which helps as well...not to mention my life line Jane that calls to check on me throughout the day. I know that things will get better and easier...but right now...things are hard. I don't want to miss out on anything or fast forward time, but I would like to get to where she is sleeping better at night. That has been so hard. Anyway, I know once my milk comes in...and my "body" pain has subsided...it will be better. When we left the hospital...Ansley lost a little weight and she weighed 4 pounds and 15 ounces. I took a picture of her next to a syrup bottle to show those who are far away just how small she is.
I love my new little family
I love my new little family. Mike is so in love with Ansley...it is just too cute. I love the way he is with her and the way he looks at her. I love how great he has been. If you don't know...prior to having Ansley...Mike had a 1 year rule with babies. He didn't want to hold them until they were at least 1year old. He did bend a little here and there with some of our friends kids...but generally speaking...he did not want anything to do with babies until they were bigger. I was a little worried because I thought that he would not want to hold her that much...boy was I wrong. He took her immediately and loved on her. He really has been so great with her and I can see how much he loves her...he is hooked. I already know that she is going to be a daddy's girl...there is no doubt in my mind...but I love that.
We love visitors!
We had quite a few people come by to visit. We really wanted to say thank you to everyone that stopped by and visited little Ansley. We were so happy to have our friends and family there to share in our very special day. We both have a lot of family and friends who could not be there and we wanted to let them all know that we were thinking of you all. I know that we were in your thoughts and prayers and we appreciate that as well. My parents were able to be there for Ansley's birth and my mom stayed with me in the hospital. I am so happy that her and Mike were there for me...I am really not sure how I would have made it through without them. We cannot wait for our family and friends who could not make it to come visit.
Stupid, stupid incubator
Since Ansley was almost a month early and weighed only 5 pounds and 2 ounces... she had to be monitored and was put in an incubator. She was not allowed to come out until her temperature was regulated. We could not hold her or even touch her at first. It was very difficult to sit there and watch her and not be able to hold and love on her. The nurses had to feed her and they were the only ones allowed to touch her. It was the saddest thing and I hated every minute of it. Once I was upstairs in my room...I was able to call the nursery and they brought her down to my room...but I was still not able to get her out. At 11:30pm Monday night...I was finally allowed to hold her and she was able to stay out of that stupid, stupid incubator.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Ansley Chase Miller
Ansley has arrived!!! She was born on July 7th, 2008 at 8:11am. She weighed 5 pounds and 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. She is SO little and SO sweet...Mike and I are in love with her. I think she looks just like Mike and so does everyone else. I don't see much of me in her but maybe that will come in time. I love that she looks like her daddy. Right now she has beautiful blue-grey eyes...and I am hoping that they stay that way since her daddy has bright blue eyes. Here are some pictures of her...enjoy!!!

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