I know I just posted 2 of these...but I was looking at these pictures and I could not believe the difference and had to share. It is amazing how much she has grown. Believe it or not...she is still pretty small so that tells you just how tiny she was when I brought her home (at a mere 4 pounds 15 ounces). She is barely fitting into 3 to 6 months right now...and she barely (and I mean barely) fit into the premie then. I knew that she was small but I am now realizing just how small she was. She is my first baby so I didn't really know any different but now that she is growing...I am much more aware. I am so glad that she is getting bigger and stronger and is healthy...and bringing home a baby that is 4 pounds 15 ounces is not easy. There were a lot of things that I had to overcome because she was early and so small but sometimes I miss her being that small. I can remember her looking so tiny in Mike's arms...she still looks small...just not so tiny :)



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