Let me start this off by saying that I am NOT complaining...at all...but I have a little trouble getting Ansley to nap during the day. She really does not take naps during the day unless I will hold her. As most of you probably already know...this is not the best thing to do for several reasons. Other than forming bad habits, I cannot get anything done during the day which is becomming an issue. Now at night, she is perfect. I start my routine at 8pm where I give her a bath, change her, feed her...and put her to sleep. Normally, she is out by 9pm and wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning. If I had to choose...I would much rather have her go down at night than during the day but it would be nice if she did both. Anyway, the other day, I was actually able to lay Ansley down on her mat (awake) and she fell asleep on her own. I realize that this may only be a big deal to me...but I wanted to share this anyway.
What I wish Ansley was thinking...
"So this is what it's like to fall asleep on my own"...

..."this is really nice and so relaxing"...

..."I am loving this...I think I will do this more often"
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