Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jump around...jump up jump up & get down

So we decided to get the "jumper" (not sure what it is called) for Ansley...and she loved it. She isn't quite big enough to really go crazy in it but she defintely has the idea. She is holding her head up SO good and can almost sit up without falling over (with the assistance of some kind of support). HOLD UP!...newsflash...I MUST apologize right now. I just realized that I have not told you guys that Ansley has been rolling over. I cannot believe that I did not tell you that until now. I guess I have been busy and just forgot to let everyone know. I have filmed it on our camcorder but I need to try and get it on my camera so I can upload it on the blog. She had been rolling over here and there but lately it has been more so. Ansley and I joined a Gymboree class and she loves it. We go to a play and learn class every Tuesday and it really is great. She rolls so much more at the class than at home for some strange reason. I am sorry that I have not mentioned that before now. Anyway, she really liked being in her jumper and I will try to get that on film as well.

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