...and on his 2nd bday...hasn't changed a bit! (well maybe more hair)
Yup my little guy turned 2!!! If I said that time has flown by...that would be an understatement. I just cannot believe that he is already two and it makes me a little sad. There has been so much going on that we didn't do a whole lot for his birthday but we did have a little party with our friends. Ty is really a sweet little guy...doesn't have an off button but is sweet. He keeps me on my toes for sure. He is just growing like a weed and I just can't believe how big he is getting...and I don't mean just physically but he is talking more and more and just so independent. I don't think he needs my help for anything. He loves loves cars (we are slightly obsessed) and he loves his sissy...those two things we know for sure. It's kind of sad because with Trey here, Ty seems even bigger and isn't my little baby anymore (well, he'll always be my baby but he's not the youngest anymore). He is really really good with Trey and so sweet. I was a little worried that he might be a little jealous or just a little aggressive but he's not in the least. He loves giving him kisses and just coming over to hug him. He is even being such a big helper but getting me diapers and throwing things away for me. Anyway, we are just so lucky to have our little man and I am completely surprised how quickly 2 years flew by. Having Ansley and Ty so close together (13 months) it's actually been nice because they play really well with one another...for the most part. We have our normal sibling fights but they really do play together nicely. Ty is always wanting to be or play with Ansley because as I said before he really doesn't have an off button. I took him to his 2 year appointment and he was 36 1/2" so the doctor said he was probably going to be around 6'1 which is crazy to me maybe because I am so short but Mike is 6" so I guess that isn't too crazy. Anyway, he got a thumbs up from the doctor so we are good. Next thing to tackle...potty training!
The birthday cake
...but he's only interested in the car that came with the cake
The bday boy loves his daddy
Some friends helping Ty celebrating his big day...