He's in love...again!
Finally we meet!
The first time the two kids met Trey...
Big sissy in action...her first time holding baby Trey
Ty was a little more interested in a drink :)
Grandma for the 7th time in 4 years...she's a pro

Man, I'm pooped!
She loves holding her baby brother

Trey Cannon Miller
Okay, so I have been a tad busy and feel completely terrible that I am just now putting up a post about our sweet addition to the family...my apologies. Little Trey entered our lives on July 20th! He was my largest baby yet at 7 pounds 1 ounce and has been such a great baby. I labored a lot at home and it didn't take very long for him to come out...just four pushes. Ansley and Ty were so excited to meet him and came up to the hospital twice to visit their little brother. My mom was here to help out with the older two so Mike and I could be at the hospital so that was nice. Since coming home, Trey has been really good and pretty easy going. So far (and I stress so far) he only really cries when he is wet or hungry so that has been nice. Ansley and Ty are really good about not messing with him too much. They are either hugging him or not paying any attention to him which is good right now. Things have been crazy, of course, with having three but I think having two was a much bigger adjustment for me. Trey is really a good baby and I am blessed because I don't know what I would have done had I not had a good baby. Time is just flying by though and I can't believe that he is already getting so big...it kind of makes me sad. I am trying to relish in my time with him and appreciate the baby phase which can be challenging but I am trying. It's just really starting to hit me that Trey is my last baby and it makes me SO sad. I honestly didn't expect to feel so sad about it but I am. There are days when I think that I am not ready to be done but then I finally come to my senses (ha ha he he). No but really...having three isn't near as crazy as I expected and although I am at the very beginning stages of it...it is going better than what I had thought. We are all just trying to get into a routine and get use to having a baby around the house again...but in a happy way!
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