Okay, so Ansley and Ty are pretty good about being around one another. I mean, Ansley doesn't remember a time without her "Little T" (her new nickname for him) and he has never had a time without her there. They definitely have their moments when they can't seem to share or one of them doesn't feel like playing. It's been a little different lately...they not only have been playing together really well but actually love on one another...a lot. I am not so much surprised about them playing together more because they are getting older but they really have been so sweet to each other. I mean, Ansley is the oldest and she is not even 3 yet...so it's not like I had one that I could really expect to step up to the plate and lead by example or really reason with. They have been doing little things like: hugging one another or if one wants a toy that the other has...he/she will give it to the other or Ty will go and get Ansley's drink out of the frig and give it to her and then go to get his...just little sweet things like that. Anyway, I have been able to capture some of these moments on camera and I just HAD to share because it is really so sweet and I have no idea how long this will really last :)
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