This time last year...crazy!
He's definitely a keeper :)
So, every year at Hope (which is where Ansley and Ty go to Mother's Day Out) they have a photographer come in and take pictures of the kids at school. She doesn't just take regular pictures...she takes 11 X 14 black and white (which Mike and I LOVE) close up pics of the kids and lets the parents purchase them. Last year, only Ansley was going so I just had one but this year, they both had their picture taken. Ty's picture is really good and he looks really cute but I can't say that it is my absolute favorite ever but...oh my...Ansley's is ADORABLE. She is posing like I have never seen before and she looks like a tiny little model. I LOVE it. I am trying to see if this photographer can take a few more to see if she can get them together. I don't know if Ansley just really felt comfortable with this particular photographer or if she has become a little model but either way...I love it. I just wanted to share because they were too cute. I also am putting up Ansley's picture from last year...I just wanted to show how different she looks. The pictures is really cute too...but it's crazy how her looks have changed so much in just under a year. I'm sure I will sitting here this time next year saying the same thing about Ty.
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