Bath time in his tub in the sink...
...and bath time in the big tub...
...I wonder which one he prefers?
Here is sissy loving bath time as usual... surprises here
Her pony tail at bath time
"Eating" something that she made in her kitchen
She must have really liked it
Just to give a little insight on the pictures...Mike and I took the kids out to eat a few months ago. It had been a while since we had done that...actually, I'm not sure that we had done that since Ty was born. It was good though because Ty stayed in his stroller and Ansley was a sweetie as usual. We ordered a pizza and she ate a piece all by herself (and trust me...these pieces are not small by any means). She did good and we snapped a few pictures which shows you how often we get out of the house and what the highlight of our days are like. We ended up going to a little Mexican place a few weeks later (because we are crazy like that) and that was a great experience too. Ansley did great and ate a good bit of food as well. She really like the chips (shocker...I know) and thought she wanted the salsa but Mama had to save her from that mistake. Ty actually sat in a highchair and ate his dinner and that was a first for us. So, all in was good and we aren't scared to do that more often.
Being such a good boy in his stroller
Drinking from his sippy cup
Our sweet, happy little man
"Bring on the pizza!"
She loves her Daddy but enough to share?
Yummy....this is soooo good!
Can she possibly get any more pizza in her mouth at one time?
Yep...she sure can
Ty is such a good baby. He makes my life pretty easy which is nice especially since I have two little ones to take care of. He has gotten on an amazing sleeping schedule. He wakes up around 8am, goes back down at 9:30am, I almost always have to wake him up around 1pm, he goes back down at 2:30pm, up at around 4pm and then down for the night at 7pm. It's crazy because Ansley NEVER napped like that. She has actually gotten a lot better about napping now that she is older but hey...better late than never...I'll take it! Ty is also helping me out with feeding time. I can make him a bottle, put him in his bouncy chair, and he will hold the bottle and feed himself. In fact, he prefers to hold the bottle and although he will let me hold it too...he won't let go of it so I end up letting him hold it. It's nice though because I can give him the bottle and go off and get Ansley taken care of or knock a few chores off my list.
Here he is feeding himself...
I am going to put up a little video of Ty which was taken a little less than a month ago. He was 6 months old and starting to show signs of crawling. He would get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth and would be mobile but by doing the "worm" as I would call it. He would get from point A to point B by using this method. Fast foward to present day (which was only about 2 weeks after this video was made)...he is full on crawling. I will post a video of that tomorrow. Anyway, it's been crazy and different from Ansley because she was so laid back and had no desire to move around. Ty, on the other hand, is ready to go and I think he will be walking VERY soon. I could be wrong about this but that is my gut feeling. Anyway, until then...I am going to try and enjoy the crawling stage while I can!
**don't forget to mute the music**
So ready to crawl...
Sitting up like a big boy
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