...aren't babies anymore. They will always be my babies, of course, but they are growing up so fast that it's making my head spin. Ansley is talking up a storm and everyday she amazes Mike and me. She is really a smart cookie and is into everything that it makes me a little crazy sometimes. She has gotten more battle wounds in the past month than in her whole little life put together. Ty is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. He has even started to cruise which is crazy. I can't get over how quickly he is learning things and he is a handful...but in a good way. I don't know if it's because he is the second child or maybe I babied Ansley too much but he is doing things so quickly. I have heard that boys are a little slower at doing things but that certainly isn't the case with him. Anyway, my babies are growing up fast...too fast for my taste...but they will always be our babies...always.
Wanting daddy to take her for a ride on the dolly

Big smiles from my sweet baby

My silly little monkey

All pretty and ready to go to church

Trying to help me pick up Ty...yeah right...I give her A for effort

He LOVES being outside

Where's Ansley?...

There she is! No, you aren't seeing things...it's a big swing

Not yet! I'm in my pjs and my hair is a mess

She's always hoping she'll get a snack if she gets a snack cup

I think Ty is definitely move too fast...it's only their first date

Her is the start of her black eye...hard to tell but it was bad

Going for a ride...in their wagon and they love it

All smiles all the time

There's nothing better than a big smile from your baby...

...unless it's from your other baby too!

Chowing down and loving it

Ready, set crawl!
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