Friday, April 23, 2010

Mommy's big helper or Ty's worst nightmare?

So Ansley is definitely into helping Mama out and doing little things to be a big helper. She will go get diapers for me, throw things away, try to feed Ty, etc. Lately, she has started to undress and dress herself (which is good because I want her to learn that) but she is also trying to undress and dress her baby bro. She will pull his socks off and try to put them back on and try to take his shirts off and so on. This is all done with good intentions but I think from Ty's may appear as though sissy has him in a choke hold and not just taking his shirt off. Let's just say that she doesn't have the most gentle touch while helping me with Ty. I keep trying to remind her to be careful because one day, and one day VERY soon, Ty is going to be bigger than her and may want to "help" his sissy.

**don't forget to mute the music**

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