Just a day after he was born and already so good
His little legs are SO tiny
He looks like Ansley did but his eyes are so much bigger
Just to give you an idea of his actual size
This was a few days after we were home showing off his "color"
Okay, I am sorry that this has taken me so long but things have been a little crazy. I have been meaning to put up a post but just haven't had the time but I know this is long overdue. So, I went to my doctor's appointment back on the 18th (of August) and I was 5 cm but my doctor still didn't send me to the hospital. She told me that if I had contractions to go straight to the hospital. So, I came home and called my parents and told them that I felt like they really needed to come on over because the night before I had terrible contractions. The only reason I had not gone in was because we had Ansley and I didn't want to wake her up in the middle of the night. So, my parents came in that night and got to our home around 10:30pm or so. We went to bed and I didn't have any bad contractions. I woke up the next morning and felt okay but throughout the rest of the morning, I started to have some contractions. I called Mike and he came home from work and we went up to the hospital. I was put into a room and they hooked me up to monitor my contractions. I was still 5 cm at this point. After being there for a few hours, they sent me home but told me to go walk around and see if my contractions got any closer. At this point, I was having them about every 7 minutes apart and they wanted them to be 5 minutes apart. So, we went home and decided to spend some time with Ansley. The next morning (which would be Thursday the 20th), I woke up and began having contractions right off the bat. I started to time them and saw that they were coming every 5 minutes. I called Mike at work, again, and he came home around noon and we went back up to the hospital. By the time we got up to the hospital and I was checked into a room, it was very close to 2pm. I was monitored, again, and they were about 3 to 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and I was almost 6 cm and they decided to keep me. They moved me to a room around 4:30pm and broke my water. As soon as that happened the contractions became extremely strong. Before I knew it...I was 8 cm and then 9.5cm. The next thing I knew...I was pushing and I could not believe how quickly everything had happened. I went from pushing for 3 hours with Ansley to pushing 3 times with this baby. It was just all too crazy. Before I knew it, the doctor was there and I was having our baby. Tyson Cole Miller was born at 6:58pm on August 20th and he weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He looked exactly like Ansley did when she first came out...it was just nuts. I couldn't get over how similar they looked. Anyway, it's been crazy and I am sure that I will be posting many more pictures and stories...but for now...here are some pics of him.
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