Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The longest 5 days ever...

This past Friday Ansley woke up with a pretty high fever. She didn't feel great but did okay the rest of the day. Saturday (the day that Nanny left)...she still was not feeling great and had fever again. She has several teeth coming in so I just assumed that was the reason for her fever. She seemed to feel okay despite the fact that she had fever and went to bed just fine. Sunday morning she woke up at 5 am (which I had just gone to bed about an hour prior from feeding Ty) burning up. I took her temp and it was 102.5 which caused me to go into panic mode. I immediately gave her some medicine and put her in the tub. We gave her a bath and I called the doctor. A nurse told me to not worry unless her fever exceeded 105 (yes...I said 105) so we just watched her throughout the day. She felt TERRIBLE all day Sunday. She was miserable and just snuggled with either Mike or me all day. We had to try and keep her and Ty separated because she had fever which was not easy to do. Her fever did break early in the afternoon and I thought we were good. She went to bed fine that night and slept all night. Monday morning she woke up and had hundreds (and that is no exaggeration) of tiny pink bumps all over her body. I called the doctor and the nurse told me it was from her getting a high fever and not to worry about it and it would go away within 24 hours. She did feel better that day so I didn't worry about it. Tuesday morning she woke up and they were worse. I decided I was taking her to the doctor. We went in and it ended up being some kind of viral rash but the doc said it would go away and she would be fine. I was so relieved that she didn't have the flu or something else. To be honest, between Mike and a few friends...we thought she had the chicken pox. Anyway, the bumps were still there today but looked much much better. The doctor did say that she has 5 new teeth about to pop through not including the 3 to 4 others that have already broken I'm sure she is feeling great from that. She still weighed 19 pounds but he said it was fine. I was a little concerned because she is almost 15 months and is really starting to get active but I'm not going to worry until we go back for her 15 month check up. Ty is doing good...I had thought he had fever but I think his body temp is just high...just like his daddy. Anyway, so we are all doing better and we are just trying to get back in the groove of things. I know it could have been a lot worse but it just seemed like the longest 5 days ever.

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