Ansley is a walking machine now. We took her out in the backyard to snap a few pictures and was walking all around. She loved it and loves being outside. I took a few different videos (because I was trying not to make them too long) but they are worth watching!
**Don't forget to mute the music**
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Go Penn State!
It only took 5 weeks
You want me to do what?!?!...

...okay this isn't so bad

One of my favorite things...climbing on Mommy

Just chillin' on the couch

I'm mommy and daddy's favorite girl

Cheese! I love this camera and it loves me

Ansley has been warming up to her baby brother and it has been a work in progress. We haven't been pushing it yet, at the same time, we have been highly encouraging her. She has been really good though given the fact that she woke up one day and bam! there is another baby in the her house...with her mommy and daddy. I think she has adjusted very well like she always does. I had no doubts that she would warm up to him. He is becomming more and more active every day which, I think, has helped her to warm up to him. In the first few weeks, he was always sleeping so she really didn't have a chance to be around him much. In the last week, she has been sitting next to him and "playing" with him more (and by playing I mean trying to poke his eye out in the most loving way possible). We finally were able to get a picture of them laying next to one another...and it only took 5 weeks :) Hopefully it won't take so long for the next pic!
...okay this isn't so bad
One of my favorite things...climbing on Mommy
Just chillin' on the couch
I'm mommy and daddy's favorite girl
Cheese! I love this camera and it loves me
Ansley has been warming up to her baby brother and it has been a work in progress. We haven't been pushing it yet, at the same time, we have been highly encouraging her. She has been really good though given the fact that she woke up one day and bam! there is another baby in the her house...with her mommy and daddy. I think she has adjusted very well like she always does. I had no doubts that she would warm up to him. He is becomming more and more active every day which, I think, has helped her to warm up to him. In the first few weeks, he was always sleeping so she really didn't have a chance to be around him much. In the last week, she has been sitting next to him and "playing" with him more (and by playing I mean trying to poke his eye out in the most loving way possible). We finally were able to get a picture of them laying next to one another...and it only took 5 weeks :) Hopefully it won't take so long for the next pic!
Such a big helper
While putting together Tyson's new crib...Ansley decided that she wanted to help daddy. She was very helpful handing daddy the pieces he needed and showing him where they went. Apparently daddy wasn't going quite fast enough for her because she even tried to put the bolts into the crib (yes...she actually knew where to put the bolts in the crib...she could not do it herself of course but we were pretty impressed).
Okay, daddy...where do we start?

First let's empty out this box

Mommy, I know what I'm me

This bolt goes here...

...just like that...okay I think my work is done
Okay, daddy...where do we start?
First let's empty out this box
Mommy, I know what I'm me
This bolt goes here...
...just like that...okay I think my work is done
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The longest 5 days ever...
This past Friday Ansley woke up with a pretty high fever. She didn't feel great but did okay the rest of the day. Saturday (the day that Nanny left)...she still was not feeling great and had fever again. She has several teeth coming in so I just assumed that was the reason for her fever. She seemed to feel okay despite the fact that she had fever and went to bed just fine. Sunday morning she woke up at 5 am (which I had just gone to bed about an hour prior from feeding Ty) burning up. I took her temp and it was 102.5 which caused me to go into panic mode. I immediately gave her some medicine and put her in the tub. We gave her a bath and I called the doctor. A nurse told me to not worry unless her fever exceeded 105 (yes...I said 105) so we just watched her throughout the day. She felt TERRIBLE all day Sunday. She was miserable and just snuggled with either Mike or me all day. We had to try and keep her and Ty separated because she had fever which was not easy to do. Her fever did break early in the afternoon and I thought we were good. She went to bed fine that night and slept all night. Monday morning she woke up and had hundreds (and that is no exaggeration) of tiny pink bumps all over her body. I called the doctor and the nurse told me it was from her getting a high fever and not to worry about it and it would go away within 24 hours. She did feel better that day so I didn't worry about it. Tuesday morning she woke up and they were worse. I decided I was taking her to the doctor. We went in and it ended up being some kind of viral rash but the doc said it would go away and she would be fine. I was so relieved that she didn't have the flu or something else. To be honest, between Mike and a few friends...we thought she had the chicken pox. Anyway, the bumps were still there today but looked much much better. The doctor did say that she has 5 new teeth about to pop through not including the 3 to 4 others that have already broken I'm sure she is feeling great from that. She still weighed 19 pounds but he said it was fine. I was a little concerned because she is almost 15 months and is really starting to get active but I'm not going to worry until we go back for her 15 month check up. Ty is doing good...I had thought he had fever but I think his body temp is just high...just like his daddy. Anyway, so we are all doing better and we are just trying to get back in the groove of things. I know it could have been a lot worse but it just seemed like the longest 5 days ever.
Better late than never
So I forgot to post this little video of Ty but I saw it and decided it was better late than never. Nanny took this video while she was here and I just noticed it on my computer. It doesn't have a ton of action but he is wide awake. It also shows off his poor little skinny legs. I will try and take another video of him that is recent just to show the change in the short amount of time. He is doing really good about holding his head up and being active.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
She loves me, she loves me not
Right now, Ansley is loving her baby brother and it is sweet. She has been very affectionate towards him and I think that is a great sign, however, I know that there will be days when she isn't loving him so much (I don't mean that literally). She is really becomming such a good big sister and I had to capture the moment while it lasted :)
"I'll touch him but I'm not looking at him"
"I'll touch him but I'm not looking at him"
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Mine's (almost) bigger than yours
Nanny and I noticed that Tyson's hands are almost as big as Ansley's and we both thought that was kind of funny. Now, Ansley does have somewhat small hands but it was still pretty crazy. We decided to try and snap a picture but please keep in mind that Ansley has a mind of her own and was not exactly a willing participate...but you get the idea.
One thing is for sure...
Our little dancing queen
So Ansley has discovered that she loves to dance and has been dancing almost non stop. I love watching her because it cracks me up...and I could always use a good laugh. She definitely has some good moves and keeps coming up with new ones. It's funny because her teachers always tell me that she danced throughout the day when she goes to school. I love it though and thought I would share...
**Don't forget to mute the music**
**Don't forget to mute the music**
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Say it isn't so...
4 weeks already!!!
So Ty is already 4 weeks old and I just can't believe it. I really cannot believe that a month has already gone by. I know that I am going to turn around and it will be his first birthday. I know that I need to cherish and appreciate him being so small and this baby phase but it can be hard sometimes because we are so tired. Anyway, he has really changed so much already and is getting some meat on those bones of his. We think he still looks a little like Ansley but not as much. He is a really good baby though and I have had it good so far. Here are some updated pictures of requested.
Here is a little video of him holding his head up already...
So Ty is already 4 weeks old and I just can't believe it. I really cannot believe that a month has already gone by. I know that I am going to turn around and it will be his first birthday. I know that I need to cherish and appreciate him being so small and this baby phase but it can be hard sometimes because we are so tired. Anyway, he has really changed so much already and is getting some meat on those bones of his. We think he still looks a little like Ansley but not as much. He is a really good baby though and I have had it good so far. Here are some updated pictures of requested.
Here is a little video of him holding his head up already...
So thankful
Mike and I have really been so blessed with awesome family and wonderful friends. Since having Tyson, we have had our family here helping us out which has been so nice. I know for sure that we could not have had such a good experience had our parents not been here. I cannot thank them all enough for being here to help us transition to 2 little babies. We have also had several friends bring us dinner and we really appreciate it. I wanted to say a special thank you to my parents, Mike's parents, the Harris', the Givens, the Mims and the Walkers. I did not think to take pictures with everyone that came by to visit us ...but did get a few with some of our friends.

She's not quite sure...
what she thinks about Ty yet but she is more and more curious everyday. It is amazing just how active she is now and it's hard to remember that she was Ty's age. He is doing really good...still sleeping and eating a lot of course...but is packing on those pounds. I am not sure how much he weighs but we are guessing that he is probably around 7 lbs or so. I can't believe that he is going to be a month old's just too crazy.
**Don't forget to mute the music**
**Don't forget to mute the music**
Monday, September 14, 2009
There's no stopping her now
Ansley is a woman on a mission. She is walking so better now and is really getting around. I can't believe that she is so into everything. I love it least I think I do...I say that now but we shall see how I feel here in a few weeks :)
**Don't forget to mute the music**
**Don't forget to mute the music**
Friday, September 11, 2009
I thought by now...
...her golden locks would have gone away but that just isn't the case. I know that at some point, her hair will darken but for now she is blonde as can be. Her eyes are sometimes blue and sometimes green...we just never know day to day. I cannot express how much we love her. I thought it would be hard when we brought Ty home, but I think we love Ansley even more...which I didn't think was possible. She is such a great big sister and has really started to take to him. She will come over and give him "love pats" and even kissed him on the forehead the other day (we were pretty impressed). She is just so funny and does something so cute everyday. I have been trying so hard to spend good quality time with her and it has been challenging but I have missed her so it's nice.
Showing us all of the teeth she has coming in

Sitting on Nanny's bed looking too cute

"High five Daddy"

At the hospital visiting Mommy

Here she is showing me her moves

I bet she is wondering when I will stop taking so many pics of her...never!

She loves her wagon...

...and her Grandpa
Showing us all of the teeth she has coming in
Sitting on Nanny's bed looking too cute
"High five Daddy"
At the hospital visiting Mommy
Here she is showing me her moves
I bet she is wondering when I will stop taking so many pics of her...never!
She loves her wagon...
...and her Grandpa
Bad Daddy!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
They could have been twins
Okay, so I have told some of you that I thought that Ty and Ansley looked so much alike when they were first born. I think now that is changing because Ty looks more like...well...Ty and not so much like Ansley. I just wanted to show you a picture of Ansley and one of Ty and you tell me if you don't think they look alike.

Tyson Cole Miller
Proud Mommy and Daddy with Ty

Just a day after he was born and already so good

His little legs are SO tiny

He looks like Ansley did but his eyes are so much bigger

Just to give you an idea of his actual size

This was a few days after we were home showing off his "color"

Okay, I am sorry that this has taken me so long but things have been a little crazy. I have been meaning to put up a post but just haven't had the time but I know this is long overdue. So, I went to my doctor's appointment back on the 18th (of August) and I was 5 cm but my doctor still didn't send me to the hospital. She told me that if I had contractions to go straight to the hospital. So, I came home and called my parents and told them that I felt like they really needed to come on over because the night before I had terrible contractions. The only reason I had not gone in was because we had Ansley and I didn't want to wake her up in the middle of the night. So, my parents came in that night and got to our home around 10:30pm or so. We went to bed and I didn't have any bad contractions. I woke up the next morning and felt okay but throughout the rest of the morning, I started to have some contractions. I called Mike and he came home from work and we went up to the hospital. I was put into a room and they hooked me up to monitor my contractions. I was still 5 cm at this point. After being there for a few hours, they sent me home but told me to go walk around and see if my contractions got any closer. At this point, I was having them about every 7 minutes apart and they wanted them to be 5 minutes apart. So, we went home and decided to spend some time with Ansley. The next morning (which would be Thursday the 20th), I woke up and began having contractions right off the bat. I started to time them and saw that they were coming every 5 minutes. I called Mike at work, again, and he came home around noon and we went back up to the hospital. By the time we got up to the hospital and I was checked into a room, it was very close to 2pm. I was monitored, again, and they were about 3 to 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and I was almost 6 cm and they decided to keep me. They moved me to a room around 4:30pm and broke my water. As soon as that happened the contractions became extremely strong. Before I knew it...I was 8 cm and then 9.5cm. The next thing I knew...I was pushing and I could not believe how quickly everything had happened. I went from pushing for 3 hours with Ansley to pushing 3 times with this baby. It was just all too crazy. Before I knew it, the doctor was there and I was having our baby. Tyson Cole Miller was born at 6:58pm on August 20th and he weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He looked exactly like Ansley did when she first came was just nuts. I couldn't get over how similar they looked. Anyway, it's been crazy and I am sure that I will be posting many more pictures and stories...but for are some pics of him.
Just a day after he was born and already so good
His little legs are SO tiny
He looks like Ansley did but his eyes are so much bigger
Just to give you an idea of his actual size
This was a few days after we were home showing off his "color"
Okay, I am sorry that this has taken me so long but things have been a little crazy. I have been meaning to put up a post but just haven't had the time but I know this is long overdue. So, I went to my doctor's appointment back on the 18th (of August) and I was 5 cm but my doctor still didn't send me to the hospital. She told me that if I had contractions to go straight to the hospital. So, I came home and called my parents and told them that I felt like they really needed to come on over because the night before I had terrible contractions. The only reason I had not gone in was because we had Ansley and I didn't want to wake her up in the middle of the night. So, my parents came in that night and got to our home around 10:30pm or so. We went to bed and I didn't have any bad contractions. I woke up the next morning and felt okay but throughout the rest of the morning, I started to have some contractions. I called Mike and he came home from work and we went up to the hospital. I was put into a room and they hooked me up to monitor my contractions. I was still 5 cm at this point. After being there for a few hours, they sent me home but told me to go walk around and see if my contractions got any closer. At this point, I was having them about every 7 minutes apart and they wanted them to be 5 minutes apart. So, we went home and decided to spend some time with Ansley. The next morning (which would be Thursday the 20th), I woke up and began having contractions right off the bat. I started to time them and saw that they were coming every 5 minutes. I called Mike at work, again, and he came home around noon and we went back up to the hospital. By the time we got up to the hospital and I was checked into a room, it was very close to 2pm. I was monitored, again, and they were about 3 to 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and I was almost 6 cm and they decided to keep me. They moved me to a room around 4:30pm and broke my water. As soon as that happened the contractions became extremely strong. Before I knew it...I was 8 cm and then 9.5cm. The next thing I knew...I was pushing and I could not believe how quickly everything had happened. I went from pushing for 3 hours with Ansley to pushing 3 times with this baby. It was just all too crazy. Before I knew it, the doctor was there and I was having our baby. Tyson Cole Miller was born at 6:58pm on August 20th and he weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He looked exactly like Ansley did when she first came was just nuts. I couldn't get over how similar they looked. Anyway, it's been crazy and I am sure that I will be posting many more pictures and stories...but for are some pics of him.
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