We normally don't get a lot of snow here in Memphis, but even when we do, it's not very much and certainly doesn't last long. So, you can imagine the reaction when it snowed for several days and had quite a bit of snow stick on the ground. Ansley was completely in awe of the snow and was quite excited about playing in it. Ty was just excited because Ansley was and didn't exactly get it...but was happy anyway. Mike had to work but was able to come home a bit early one of the days. He brought home a sled and the kids were too excited. We bundled everyone up and went outside to play for a bit. I don't really have appropriate winter clothing for the kids but we layered and it did the trick. Ansley was so incredibly excited and had the best time and Ty was pretty darn excited himself. We pulled them around the backyard in the sled which was a hit and then Daddy and Ansley decided to build a snowman. I have to say for her first snow experience and snowman...she did a great job. She also decided (out of nowhere) that she wanted to make snow angels. This was only funny to me because we have never talked about snow angels at all so I don't know where she got that from but she knew exactly what it was and exactly what to do. All in all, it was a fun day and the kids really had a good time. Ty didn't make it as long as Ansley and he and I came in a little earlier. I think Daddy had to pull her away from the snow to bring her inside but she finally came in. Once inside, they got a nice hot bath and all was good because water is their first love. We had several more snow days here in Memphis but nothing lasted quite as long. It has cleared up since then and it looks like Spring is around the corner! Just thought I would share and few pictures of our fun snow day.
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