Ty is loving him some mommy's day out...me too
We are liking the fall around here
Just getting to be a big boy...:(((
Help, I'm stuck and I can't get out
We are always smiles when we are about to go to school
At the pumpkin patch...
...and boy did they love it
Popping a squat on the hay
Austin the airplane
Blakey in her lamb costume
Our little kitty cat Libby
Bzzz...Ansley loved her costume
Tyson and Blake sittin in a tree...
They are really starting to enjoy one another
On our way to the candle light service
Next thing we knew...it was Christmas!
Happy, happy, happy!
She LOVES her daddy...nothing more to say
She must have been a good girl this year...and she was
So, I have been trying to play catch up on the blog but with the holidays here...it just seems to be getting harder and harder to do that. Instead of doing separate entries that I would normally do I think I am going to do a quick recap and then start fresh from this point forward.
A lot has happened since the last time I posted which was back in August! We got back from our trip to PA to visit the family and had Ty's bday party. Then the kids started "school" (AKA: mother's day out) which has been great for both of us...or should I say all 3 of us (Ansley, Ty and me). Ansley loves her new teachers and friends and is really learning so much. When we got back from visting Nanny...we started potty training and aside from night time (since we are still in our crib she can't get up and go potty at night) she is potty trained. We have not been in a diaper since and wear panties all the time which she loves. She even goes potty at school and has done awesome with that so I am very proud of her. At some point I am going to move her to a big girl bed and then we will figure out the night time potty then. She is also just talking up a storm and counting, singing songs, having little conversations with us...it's just amazing. It's so hard to believe she was just a tiny little baby only 2 1/2 years ago.
Ty is also loving school and has one of Ansley's teachers from last year which is nice. He loves playing with his friends and has such a great time. He has adjusted perfectly with going to school and I think he really enjoys it. Ty has been walking since his first birthday and now is running everywhere. He is becomming a little monkey and climbs on everything. He is getting up on the couch and chairs but also knows how to climb down which makes me feel a lot better. He has started to try and say words and I notice he likes to repeat things Ansley says. He absolutely loves his big sister...follows her everywhere and loves to play with her. It is kind of nice because they are starting to play together a lot more. He just had his 15 month check up and was almost 33 inches tall (95th percentile) and was 25.6 pounds (50th percentile). Just a side note...I took Ansley with me and she was 24.3 pounds which I found to be too funny. Ansley is still taller than Ty but not but a whole lot considering she is 13 months older than him.
We have done a lot over the past few months. We went to a pumpkin patch and had a good time there. Ty just loved being able to run around the field and Ansley wanted to play on the swing the entire time. We also went trick or treating with friends which was a lot of fun. Ansley was a bumblebee this year and Ty was a lion. They had a great time and loved dressing up. We also made a trip to PA for Thanksgiving to visit with the family which was a lot of fun. The kids had a blast spending time with Nanny, Pappy and all the aunts, uncles and cousins! I have to say that my nieces and nephews have grown up so much and each one of them were SO awesome with the kids. I think it's rare to see kids at their age being SO good and making time to play with babies. It was super sweet and I just cannot say enough about how incredible they all were. They are growing up so fast that it's hard to believe. I have only been around for 7 years but each one of them have truly become quite amazing. I knew that Cortney and Morgan would be wonderful with them but I have to admit that although I knew the boys (Casey, Christian, Mason and Caleb...we did not get to see Noah this trip:() would be great with them...I was not expecting them to be SO into playing with them but I was wrong. I can only pray that my kids grow up to be half as good as my neices and nephews because they really are all so amazing and we couldn't be more proud! If it wasn't enough to have all of the kids taking such wonderful care of the kiddos...my sisters and brothers were even more so. There is just something really sweet and touching about the love that I could see flowing from them for my babies. I have NO doubts that my kids would be in the very best hands with any of them and that's a great feeling. To say that they were amazing with Ansley and Ty would seriously be an understatement. My kids were in HEAVEN with the family...really. Then, of course, the icing on the cake was Nanny, Pappy Carl and Pappy Dick. Again, I just cannot say how wonderful everyone was and how much fun Ansley and Ty had while we were there. It was great.
After we got back from PA for Thanksgiving, it was like time just flew by...next thing I knew it was Christmas. We went to see Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas and the kids had a blast. We missed having the rest of the family there for sure. The kids really had a great time and Ansley was much more into opening presents this year. She still didn't care much about what was inside but loved unwrapping the gifts for everyone. I think next year will be a lot of fun for her. Ty just had fun playing with the boxes and that was about it. He really had no interest in what was inside the boxes. All in all, it was a nice time and we enjoyed it. The kids were able to spend a couple of days with Grandma and Grandpa while Mike and I took care of some things at home so that was nice too. It didn't exactly turn out the way I was thinking because I was feeling under the weather but it was still a good way for us to get some things accomplished.
After the holidays, we got back into our routine and started back to school which was really nice as well. I have to say that going to Mommy's day out isn't just a treat for me...the kids LOVE it and love going. It is really something they look forward to. So I think that brings me closer to being up-to-date...although I definitely have a few more things to tell you. I thought I would stop here since that brings us to 2011...crazy! Here are some pics from the past few months and I will try my best to stay on top of things...
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