Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's up doc?

Well, Ansley has her 9 month check up next week but we had to make a little visit to the doctor's office today. These past few days have not been Ansley's favorite. She got a little runny nose which turned into a bad runny nose. She was not able to sleep very well from her nose running and having stuff drain into her throat (which made her throw up a few times). She also had a fever 2 days and it was just so much fun. She really was pretty good considering all that she had going on. When we took her to the doctor we found out that apparently I had rubbed her nose too hard too much and she got a little infection. The doctor did tell me that she is not close to cutting teeth yet so I guess I was completely wrong about that. Anyway, I will let you know how her appointment goes next week. We do find out on Thursday what the sex is of our little baby growing in my tummy...so I can't wait for that. I will try and take some updated pics since Ansley is starting to feel better and post them.

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