Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hello Easter bunny!

Ansley giving me some love for my Easter happy

She has become quite the little walker

Here she is with all of her Easter treats

You gotta love this face

Here she is with her favorite bunny

Mommy...let go...I want to walk all by myself

She loves this little egg

With a serious face, she asked me where the Easter bunny went

Happy belated Easter! Well, the Easter bunny came to visit Ansley and she was very excited. We decided to go to one of the earlier church services and it was the first time (at least since we have moved to Orlando) I have left Ansley. Mike and I took her to the nursery and we went to the service. I was a little nervous because I have never left her with strangers, although she has always been very friendly to strangers, but she did great. We came home and gave her a few goodies that the Easter bunny brought. She also received some things from some family and friends and she wanted to say thank you to her Nanny and Pappy, Aunt Lyn, Uncle Jason & cousin Ody, her best friends Julia and Maggie and her little friend, Franklin, from gymboree class...all which she loved. Daddy also got her a little something special and she just loved it. Anyway, we played and had a really good day. We missed all of our family and friends and hope that they had a wonderful Easter as well.

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