Tuesday, April 21, 2009
9 month update
So we went to the doctor the other day for Ansley's 9 month check up. She was so good...as usual...and the doctor said she looked "terrific". She had to get a shot (and she did cry for about 10 seconds) and had to get her finger pricked (but didn't even flinch). She weighed 17 pounds and was 29 1/4 inches long. She was 25th percentile in weight and 95th in height...she is growing so fast. It is so amazing to think of how much she has grown in her short 9 months. She has been saying "dada" for a few months now but it starting to say "mama". She really only says it when she is tired or not feeling good but hey...at least she is saying it. She doesn't say it as much or as good as she does "dada" but it won't be too long. She is pulling up so good and can stand on her own for seconds at a time. She is so eager to walk and really wants to take off but doesn't quite understand that she can't yet. I think that it won't be long.

It's even steven now...
Well, this is a little late but we found out what we are having and...it's a boy! So it's going to be even around here...2 girls and 2 boys. We found out last Thursday and I have been meaning to let everyone know but I apologize for the delay. We were a little shocked because we both really thought it was going to be a girl but we are excited about a boy. The ultra sound tech asked me if we wanted to find out and I told her yes but to not tell me because I wanted to see if I could guess. As soon as she put the instrument on my tummy and moved it across...I saw that it was a boy...she didn't have to say a thing. We have been thinking about names but we are having a hard time coming up with some. If anyone has any good suggestions...we are all ears. To be continued...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hello Easter bunny!
Ansley giving me some love for my Easter happy

She has become quite the little walker

Here she is with all of her Easter treats

You gotta love this face

Here she is with her favorite bunny

Mommy...let go...I want to walk all by myself

She loves this little egg

With a serious face, she asked me where the Easter bunny went

Happy belated Easter! Well, the Easter bunny came to visit Ansley and she was very excited. We decided to go to one of the earlier church services and it was the first time (at least since we have moved to Orlando) I have left Ansley. Mike and I took her to the nursery and we went to the service. I was a little nervous because I have never left her with strangers, although she has always been very friendly to strangers, but she did great. We came home and gave her a few goodies that the Easter bunny brought. She also received some things from some family and friends and she wanted to say thank you to her Nanny and Pappy, Aunt Lyn, Uncle Jason & cousin Ody, her best friends Julia and Maggie and her little friend, Franklin, from gymboree class...all which she loved. Daddy also got her a little something special and she just loved it. Anyway, we played and had a really good day. We missed all of our family and friends and hope that they had a wonderful Easter as well.
She has become quite the little walker
Here she is with all of her Easter treats
You gotta love this face
Here she is with her favorite bunny
Mommy...let go...I want to walk all by myself
She loves this little egg
With a serious face, she asked me where the Easter bunny went
Happy belated Easter! Well, the Easter bunny came to visit Ansley and she was very excited. We decided to go to one of the earlier church services and it was the first time (at least since we have moved to Orlando) I have left Ansley. Mike and I took her to the nursery and we went to the service. I was a little nervous because I have never left her with strangers, although she has always been very friendly to strangers, but she did great. We came home and gave her a few goodies that the Easter bunny brought. She also received some things from some family and friends and she wanted to say thank you to her Nanny and Pappy, Aunt Lyn, Uncle Jason & cousin Ody, her best friends Julia and Maggie and her little friend, Franklin, from gymboree class...all which she loved. Daddy also got her a little something special and she just loved it. Anyway, we played and had a really good day. We missed all of our family and friends and hope that they had a wonderful Easter as well.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What's up doc?
Well, Ansley has her 9 month check up next week but we had to make a little visit to the doctor's office today. These past few days have not been Ansley's favorite. She got a little runny nose which turned into a bad runny nose. She was not able to sleep very well from her nose running and having stuff drain into her throat (which made her throw up a few times). She also had a fever 2 days and it was just so much fun. She really was pretty good considering all that she had going on. When we took her to the doctor we found out that apparently I had rubbed her nose too hard too much and she got a little infection. The doctor did tell me that she is not close to cutting teeth yet so I guess I was completely wrong about that. Anyway, I will let you know how her appointment goes next week. We do find out on Thursday what the sex is of our little baby growing in my tummy...so I can't wait for that. I will try and take some updated pics since Ansley is starting to feel better and post them.
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