Ty with his new do...
Ansley stylin with her shades on
Ty giving Grandma big hugs
Living it up in their pool and lovin it
Grandpa getting to see Ansley's newly discovered artistic abilities
My little guy is getting to be such a big boy
Cheeeeeeeeeese! (Literally screaming this as I am taking this pic)
"I wanna go shopping"...oh no...I've created a monster
Erin and Ford at a play date
Sooo ready to go outside and go swimming
Ansley and Austin sitting in a tree...
Daddy and Ansley on their "cookie" date
My two favorite guys in the world
Someone is happy to go outside...
Okay, I have been TERRIBLE about keeping up with my blog and I keep saying that I am going to be better but I haven't so once again...I apologize. I honestly have been meaning to post for a while but time always seems to get away from me...much like this summer. I am completely shocked about how the summer flew by. I feel awful that I haven't posted pics (especially for our families and loved ones) but I think that I am going to have a little more time to do that since things have calmed down...a little. So, A LOT has happened so I will try to do a recap of this summer to get you up-to-date. We had a few play dates, visits with Grandma and Grandpa, visits with our friends, swim time, and most importantly...a new addition to the family. Both Ansley and Ty have been so good this summer and being patient with Mommy since she was very pregnant this summer which was nice. I thought that they might go a little crazy since they weren't going to school but they were really good. Ansley turned 3 which I just cannot believe. Everytime I look at her I am just amazed about how much of a big girl she has become and how it just seems like yesterday that she came into our lives. She had her 3 year check up and got a thumbs up...which I already told everyone about in the last post. She is doing all kinds of big girl things like no more sippy cups, no more pull ups at night, drawing and writing things, talking non stop and saying words that I didn't realize she knew...it's crazy. Ty is about to be 2 (SO crazy) next week. I just cannot believe that either. We haven't gone to his 2 year check up yet but will let you know how that turns out. I am pretty sure, actually I am positive, that he has passed Ansley up in the weight department and very very close to passing her up in the height department as well. He is doing good too...we got rid of the pacifier and he is starting to talk a lot as well. He has been trying to sit on the potty a little although we aren't close to being potty trained just yet. I think I am going to wait on that a while yet. He is just into everything and loves to do everything his sissy does. They play so well together and I love that they are close. We brought a new addition into the family (which I am going to do a separate post on) and so that has been crazy and exciting all mixed together...so it's been a very busy summer. I can't believe that it is already time to celebrate Ty's birthday and just trying to get all of that planned without losing my mind (just kidding...well...kind of). Anyway, here are some pics of the summer that I haven't posted. I will definitely be putting up a new post about our new little addition to our family soon and putting up pictures of him.