On our way to school...yeah!

He is all boy...all boy

We love our pig tails...or "tails" as we like to call them

Wow...I am totally a slacker and I apologize. I feel terrible...I meant to update this forever ago and meant to keep up with it but we have been so crazy busy that I have not had a chance. So, a lot has happened since the last time I blogged. I guess I am going to go back to the beginning of the year and go from there.
Okay, so Mike and I are prego...again! I am currently 7 months pregnant and my due date is July 26th. We are having another boy! We were in COMPLETE shock when we found out and I still think that I am in a bit of shock but have come to accept the news much better than 7 months ago. We were really nervous, well I take that back, I was really nervous about the news. Mike was actually excited from the get-go and thought if we were going to have a third that we needed to hurry up and do it. I, on the other hand, felt like it would have been nice to have a little more space in between the last two but I guess that wasn't in the plans. We found out about 2 months ago that we were having another boy and that was another part that took a while to accept. I mean, don't get me wrong...I LOVE Ty and he is the best little guy and I am so happy that he's my little guy. It's not that I didn't want a boy...I think I just wanted another little girl more. Ansley has honestly been a COMPLETE joy for us and we kind of wanted that again. Of course we weren't thinking about the fact that even if we had another girl, she wasn't going to be Ansley, she would be her own little person so it would not have made a difference. I think because Ansley is my oldest and my only girl...I just wanted to savor that and thought by having a girl as my "baby" would do that but the fact remains that Ansley is getting older and we have to accept that. She has been a little easier too because Ty is just into everything these days. I have to protect him from himself more than anything and that is a job all on its own. Either way, we are happy and nervous all at the same time and I can't wait to meet Baby Miller!
Ansley is doing great. She LOVES school and LOVES her teachers. It is just amazes Mike and I how smart she is. She knows so much for such a young age and we just can't beleive it. She knows, of course, all her colors, numbers, shapes, etc...but she knows so many other things that we just really are amazed with her. She counts to 10 in Spanish and we DID NOT teach her this...so not sure where she learned that from. She is potty trained (which she has been since last summer) but is also in a big girl bed and is doing so great with that. I really worried that it might be a struggle with the big girl bed, but she has certainly proved me wrong about that. We just love her so much and she is growing up so fast...way TOO fast:( She is going to be having her 3rd birthday this July and we can't believe that either. I just want her to stay this age and size forever. I don't want her to grow up...it really makes me sad to think about it. I know some people say to wait until she's 2 to 3 years older but we honestly LOVE this age and would let her stay this way forever if we could. This is probably my favorite age and time period. I know she is going to be such a huge helper when Baby Miller comes along...she is already so excited about it. She talks to the baby in my tummy, rubs my tummy, kisses it...it's really sweet. She is the best helper and I feel lucky.
Ty is doing so good as well. He really has always been ahead of the game a little when it came to doing things. He did things so much earlier than Ansley did and he continues to do so as he gets bigger. I will say, though, the one thing he isn't doing a lot of is talking. I mean, he talks and he says his words but I felt like Ansley was talking a lot more at his age. I probably should look at this as a blessing that he isn't talking my ear off. Anyway, he has adjusted to school so well and loves it there too. He loves playing with his little friends and his teachers. I can a tremendous difference since he has been going to Hope and I love it. He absolutely loves his big sister. I think he would be crushed if she wasn't around. He loves to play with her and just do anything and everything that she is doing. It's really cute except when she does things that I really don't want him to do and that does get a little hard. Ty is almost as tall as his big sister which is funny to us...but he is just growing like a weed. He has slimmed down a good bit though (not that he was ever big) and is just getting taller now more than anything. He is a smart little guy too. He can get on my i phone and play all the games and puzzles and knows exactly which codes to put it...it's crazy. I didn't even teach him that so not sure how he picked all of that up. It's just amazing what little kids soak up and how much they really learn. He is a BUSY BUSY little guy though. He is into everything and anything and I have to keep a close eye on him. I thought Ansley was very fearless and a monkey but she is nothing compared to her brother. Ty has no fear and he thinks he can do anything. It's scary sometimes. He opens all the doors and has started to even unlock the dead bolts and open the doors that we have child proofed. He is such a strong little guy and although he gives me quite the work out, I just keep thinking about what everyone says, that boys get easier so I have that going for me :) Seriously though...he's a sweet little guy and will give us all the love and kisses that we want...as long as he can give open mouth kisses!
Mike and I moved back into our house since our renters moved out. We had A LOT of work to do to the house and it took a while but we got it done. We are now trying to sell our house which has kept us busy too. We just have had a lot going on but I guess that's what happens...life gets busy. We are happy that we are back in our house but we are wanting to see if we can sell it and maybe move closer into town. It's just such a pain driving a good distance back and forth with the kids and would be easier if we lived a little closer. We'll see what happens...
I think that pretty much brings us up-to-date. I know that I probably left out a lot of little details but will try to update weekly and I am sure that I will bring some up when I do that. I will do my best to keep up with the blog and I am sorry I have let so much time go. I honestly will try to post more often. Here are some pics but I will post some more later too.
In one of our Easter get ups...

He is ready with his 2 favs...his truck & Daddy's visor...it's Mini Mike