The birthday cake
Sissy and little bro playing together
Our giant surprise for Ansley...she LOVED it
This pool isn't big enough for the two of us
*notice both of my little ones trying to escape*
Grilling with my favorite guy
Sure, it looks fun...
...but it's steep...
...really steep
Blowing out our candles
The kiddos digging into the cake and cupcakes
Austin enjoying his yummy treat
Mari Lampton enjoying Mikey's delicious treat
The future Mr. & Mrs. Ty Miller (he loves him some Libby)
So Ansley had a little birthday celebration in Huntsville and then we had a little one with our friends in Memphis. I am very behind on my blog because I have been out of town (which I will explain later) so I might be combining a few of my posts so I can catch up. Anyway, she was able to celebrate her actual birthday with Grandma and Grandpa and then she had a little bday with her friends the weekend after. She had a great time so thank you to everyone!
**don't forget to mute the music**
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