My sweet nephew that I finally was able to meet
Ansley and Kayla watching the tube together
Kayla giving me a HUGE it
Ty...last week of bottles
Move over Paris...
Ansley with one of her favorite cuz's...Cortney
Ty loves his Aunt Jen
What a cutie pie...I'm a lucky mommy
Pappy and Ansley back together again
Ty was so excited to meet his Pappy
His first time on the carousel and he loved it
NOT Ansley's first time & we could barely get her off
Can you tell he loves his Aunt Jen?
Playing outside with the fam
Playing with cousin Caleb
Cort was AWESOME with the kids...they love her
She loved watering the plants...who knew she'd have a green thumb?
Helping Nanny with the yard work
Okay, so this post is LONG overdue. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to really update the blog. This summer has been so crazy and busy. Besides having the two kiddos to keep up with, we had both of their birthdays this summer along with lots of traveling. We went to Huntsville a few different times because both of my brothers (along with my sisters and my neice and nephews) came to visit at different times. We went to visit when Justin, Tricia, Kayla & Kingston came to visit and then when Jason, Lyn and Ody came. It was really nice to see them especially since the last time I had seen them was at Christmas. I was able to meet and love on my new nephew who I had not met yet and spend time with the rest of the family. In the midst of all of this, we also had doctor right after the other. Ansley had her 2 year check up and it was great. She is very healthy and doing everything (and more) than what she should at her age. She was right at 34 1/2 inches tall (95th percentile) and was just at 22 pounds (5th percentile). She is talking a mile a minute and growing up so fast. She is sitting at the table like a big girl, drinking from big girl cups, going on the potty, just everything! Tyson also went to the doctor for his 1 year appointment and got a clean bill of health. He was 31 1/4 inches long (99th percentile) and 21.3 pounds (50th percentile). He is saying a few words and walking everywhere! You wouldn't believe how much and well he is walking. On his birthday (August 20th), he was mainly crawling and taking 8 steps or so. Not even a month later...he is walking all of the time and trying to run some of the time. We also decided to take a little road trip to PA and visit all of our family in PA. It was a little crazy because I decided to drive...with the myself. Mike couldn't get off work so I went on my own. It was a little crazy but the kids did so good. It was so nice to see the family...most of them had not seen Ansley since she was 4 months old and had not had a chance to meet Ty. The kids LOVED it and were in heaven. They saw Nanny, Pappy Carl, Pappy Dick, aunts, uncles and cousins and had a blast! We can't wait until we get to see them again.