His new favorite hobby...visiting his little friends
Put her outside & give her a slide...she's putty in your hands
Other favorite hobbies...climbing
He's my gentle little bull in my china shop
Ansley is having a "playdate" with her friends
Always happy...I'm lucky
Just out for a stroll
She is starting to get some crazy hair but I love it
Daddy and his favorite little guy
The poses are not coaxed...I swear...it's all her
Mommy with her favorite sweet girl
She LOVES her babies
She was born ready to go swimming
LIfe is gooooood
She's always packing...a snack that is
Our first little ponytail
So I have some pictures that I have had for a few months but haven't put up so I thought I would just post a few. They are mostly from right before "summer" started but I thought I would get those up so I can start fresh with my new posts (because I have so many). Things have been crazy so far. We have been trying to stay busy with playdates and errands but it can be hard. It's so hot outside that the only way we can be out there is being in water...which would only make Ansley so happy. Ty went for his 9 month check up and is doing great. He was 21 pounds and 2 ounces but 30 1/2 inches long! He is 95% for height and 75% for weight. The doc says he looks great and is very healthy. He is crawling super fast and cruising everywhere and it's getting to be...interesting. Things are good though and we are just trying to make the best of each day. It is a little different with not having Ansley gone 2 days a week but it really hasn't been too bad. She has become quite the helper and really is starting to play with Ty more and more.
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