Ty getting some love from Grandma & Grandpa
Can I go now? Now? Now? Now? Now
Ty making his way up the slide
...yipee...I made it!
I LOVE his smile...it warms my heart
Mommy & Ty posing for a pic
Here I come!
My two favorite boys...how lucky am I?
The biggest slide is her favorite
We went to Huntsville to visit Grandma and Grandpa for Mother's Day. It was a quick trip but we had a good time. I don't think there was a second, other than when the kids were sleeping, that Grandma and Grandpa weren't entertaining them. We went to the neighborhood park and Ansley had a blast. She was climbing up and down and all around that playground and just had a great time. Ty had a good time too and although he can't do all the things Ansley can yet...he just loved being outside and watching her. He did have a chance to go down the slide a few times and climb up the slide a little which he loved. I know that as soon as he can walk and run...he will love it as much as Ansley does.
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