This was on the same day we went to the Little Gym. Ty has started to really get into dancing since his sissy dances all of the time...I think that is where he picked it up from. Anyway, he has recently started to really bust his moves out when he hears music and I love it. We were at the Little Gym and I was getting some video of him playing on the bars and all of a sudden he started groving. I don't know if you can hear it but there is music playing in the background (in case you are wondering why he is dancing). I also got a little video of bubble time but there wasn't a lot of action going on there.
**don't forget to mute the music**
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It's his kind of place
We have had Ansley signed up for the Little Gym ever since we moved back to Memphis. It is basically a class that has mats and equipment (ie: bars, balance beam, etc) for the kids to play on. Ansley has really enjoyed it in the past but she is kind of bored in the class now because she can do all the activities really well. I think that she needs something new with new challenges. We can't move her up because she is already the youngest in the class as it is. Anyway, so we have a few classes that we haven't gone to and I decided to take Ty to see what he thought about it. Now, in Ty's class, they aren't doing all of these activities yet but it's just a chance for him to see other babies and just crawl around and climb on new things. He really loved it and was in awe of the other kids around...I think he really needs to spend more time with his little friends. I was able to get a little video of him crawling around which is not a good presentation of how fast he can really go. I think I might have put him in an outfit that was a little too big and he was having a little trouble moving around but it gives you an idea. I also took a few others pictures during the class...
**don't forget to mute the music**

**don't forget to mute the music**
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Too much fun
Hmmm...where do I begin?

Ty getting some love from Grandma & Grandpa

Can I go now? Now? Now? Now? Now

Ty making his way up the slide

...yipee...I made it!



I LOVE his warms my heart

Mommy & Ty posing for a pic

Here I come!

My two favorite lucky am I?

The biggest slide is her favorite

We went to Huntsville to visit Grandma and Grandpa for Mother's Day. It was a quick trip but we had a good time. I don't think there was a second, other than when the kids were sleeping, that Grandma and Grandpa weren't entertaining them. We went to the neighborhood park and Ansley had a blast. She was climbing up and down and all around that playground and just had a great time. Ty had a good time too and although he can't do all the things Ansley can yet...he just loved being outside and watching her. He did have a chance to go down the slide a few times and climb up the slide a little which he loved. I know that as soon as he can walk and run...he will love it as much as Ansley does.
Ty getting some love from Grandma & Grandpa
Can I go now? Now? Now? Now? Now
Ty making his way up the slide
...yipee...I made it!
I LOVE his warms my heart
Mommy & Ty posing for a pic
Here I come!
My two favorite lucky am I?
The biggest slide is her favorite
We went to Huntsville to visit Grandma and Grandpa for Mother's Day. It was a quick trip but we had a good time. I don't think there was a second, other than when the kids were sleeping, that Grandma and Grandpa weren't entertaining them. We went to the neighborhood park and Ansley had a blast. She was climbing up and down and all around that playground and just had a great time. Ty had a good time too and although he can't do all the things Ansley can yet...he just loved being outside and watching her. He did have a chance to go down the slide a few times and climb up the slide a little which he loved. I know that as soon as he can walk and run...he will love it as much as Ansley does.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I won't quit my day job...
Tyson has recently started to "dance" around and gets really excited when he music comes on the tv or radio. He really loves to hear any music playing but he espeically loves it if you sing to him. I am not the best person to be doing the singing because I have a terrible voice but it makes them happy so I guess I can make a fool out of myself for them (but it's not pretty so you have been warned). This would be the case for both of my kids. Ansley LOVES music and she dances all the time and since Tyson watches her a lot...perhaps that is where he has picked that up. Ansley dances while she is playing, standing, sitting, eating, riding in the car...anywhere. She loves it so much that we have incorporated it into her bedtime routine (which I can't take credit for that because it was Daddy who started it). Our normal routine is get a bath, brush teeth, put pjs on, let her pick books out to read, say good night to everyone, say our prayers and go to bed. Now we have started to do everything the same except that after she picks out what books she wants to read...she turns on her radio and is allowed to dance to one song...then she turns the radio off and we read books, say night night, say prayers and go to bed. Anyway, needless to say that Ty has watched his sissy break it down and I guess has decided he needs to do the same. I took this video weeks ago when he was just starting to get really excited so I thought I would put this up and I also have other video of him "dancing" which I will put up as well. I do want to warn you before you watch the video to be careful with your ears because I cannnot sing and it is terrible. I think once you see how cute he will (hopefully) forget at least a little about the voice.
**don't forget to mute the music**
**don't forget to mute the music**
Little Ms. Smarty Pants
So, I took this video of Ansley a while ago but forgot about it since I was slacking a little on my updates but wanted to put this up. Ever since taking this video she has been talking more and I will be sure to put up another one of her as soon as I get all caught up. Even though this was taken a while ago, I think it is pretty darn good that she understands and knows what I am asking. She really does amaze us and every single day she does and says something else that amazes us even more. She really is a smart little cookie and we couldn't be more proud!
**don't forget to mute the music**
**don't forget to mute the music**
Our little adventure

So I got this really crazy idea to take both kids, by myself might I add, to get their pictures taken. At first, I was only going to take Tyson because we really haven't had his pictures done, except for his newborn pics, but then I thought I might as well take Ansley too. I wanted to get some of them together. It was very crazy because Ansley is such an explorer and loves to climb everything and then there is Ty who is crawling everywhere and pulling up on they kept me just a little busy. When Ty was having his pictures taken, Ansley was running around and finding something very high to climb on. When Ansley was having her pictures taken, Ty was crawling all over the studio and finding something or someone to play with. I was trying to help the photographer while he was taking the pictures but it was difficult because I was running around collecting my kids. Not to say that they don't have their moments but they are both so good, and I feel blessed and thankful for that, but they are also very curious and have very very very very little fear right now (if any at all) so it can be...challenging and scary. Not to mention that Ty is only 8 months old and Ansley is 22 months old. Although Ansley is much more aware of good and bad behavior...she is still under 2. went well and we were able to come out of there with some great photos.
Friday, May 14, 2010
He's on the move
Here are some videos of Ty pulling up and crusing a little. These were taken weeks ago but I don't have a ton of videos so I thought I would share. I figure you might want to see him in action. He is just a crazy little man. I can't believe that he isn't that tiny little baby I brought home just months ago. He is really a sight to see and he just is not scared of anything which can definitely be a problem as we get older. Hopefully, he will be a little afraid so that Mama doesn't have to be so afraid.
**don't forget to mute the music**
**don't forget to mute the music**
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Daddy's Home!
Daddy coming home from work is always the best part of our day around the Miller household. Ansley gets SO excited to see her Daddy and greets him at the door with a great big hug. Ty has also started to express himself when he sees his Daddy and giggles with excitement. So that leaves me and of course I am always so excited to see my hubby walk through that door. Now some of you may think it is only for the obvious reason (having someone else to help with the kids...which I would never ever complain about that) but I am just genuinely happy to see him. Usually, when Daddy comes home, we will play for a little while before we eat, do bath and bed. Sometimes we go for a wagon ride/walk, sometimes we play outside (which is always a popular choice) and sometimes we play inside. This particular day...Daddy was putting together something Ansley got for Xmas that we are just able to play with so it was an inside day...but they didn't mind at all.
Where's Ansley...yep...u know it...she's in the box

Please don't mind his dinner left on his sweet face...

Can you tell she is full of excitement?

It would be easier trying to count the times when he isn't smiling

Ansley recruiting Daddy for some help

Pulling up on things is definitely one of his favorite things

Such a Daddy's girl...and he loves it

Mama with her other favorite man

Truth be told...Ansley has us BOTH wrapped

Those green eyes get us everytime...

...along with those big brown eyes...hook, line & sinker

Ty "driving" the new ride
Where's Ansley...yep...u know it...she's in the box
Please don't mind his dinner left on his sweet face...
Can you tell she is full of excitement?
It would be easier trying to count the times when he isn't smiling
Ansley recruiting Daddy for some help
Pulling up on things is definitely one of his favorite things
Such a Daddy's girl...and he loves it
Mama with her other favorite man
Truth be told...Ansley has us BOTH wrapped
Those green eyes get us everytime...
...along with those big brown eyes...hook, line & sinker
Ty "driving" the new ride
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Daddy's photo session
Mike wanted to do something really sweet for me for Mother's Day and take the kids outside (while I was out) to take some pictures. He got them dressed in new outfits and everything. The only problem is that they didn't turn out exactly the way he planned and he ended up telling me because he thinks we should do it together. Anyway, it was a VERY sweet idea and I loved it. I thought I would share the pics anyway...I thought they were great.
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