Right before our lives changed forever...we had no idea
She had just taken her first breath...weighing just over 5 pounds
Proud, proud Papa
Before she got here...I had no idea how much I would love her
The start of our sweet family
Mommy was defintely wrapped...
...but nothing like Daddy
It is so hard to believe just how tiny she was...
and I mean...everything was tiny
Our beautiful, tiny sleeping beauty
She was starting to smile and develop her personality
Wiped after packing the house & we were off to Orlando
Starting to sit up supported...felt like such big steps back then
Boo! Our first Halloween
She was honestly a very good and easy baby
So easy to make us smile
Daddy time...our favorite
Starting to get a little coordination
Mommy and Ansley at our first gymboree party
Getting excited about our first Christmas
The best little reindeer
Praying for the best Christmas ever
Mommy's little elf
Bath time...one of our favorite things
Unfortunate news for her...she kind of looks like Mommy did
Ansley on the day she was baptized
Starting to eat food...yeah!
Starting to use a sippy cup...getting to be a big girl
Our first Valentine's day...we love Daddy
Mommy and Ansley at her favorite place...gymboree class!
BIG news...I'm going to be a big sister
Did I mention that she loves gymboree class?
My first day at the park...I love these swings
Having the best time with Daddy
I LOVE my walker...it's so much fun
My first Easter
One of my favorite toys...the remote
Mommy bought me my first tutu
My very first visit to the beach...and my last days in Orlando
I am starting walk and it's fun
Yep...it's true...we are back in Memphis
I love my new play room
Our sweet baby is almost 1
She's got skills on the calculator
Here she is just days before she turned 1...we love her so much
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