Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yes...we are a little crazy

So we have an annoucement to make...and yes you are going to think we are crazy... Ansley is going to be a big sister! We are pregnant and I am due on September 5th. I am about 14 weeks and will be finding out what we are having on April 9th. When I first told Mike...he was completely and totally shocked (and so was I) but after we both were able to pick ourselves off the ground (from fainting from the shock of it all) we became excited. There is a HUGE part of me that is anxious about having another baby so soon and so close in age to Ansley (they will only be 14 months apart) but there is another part of me that is happy that they will be close especially the older they get. Anyway, I wanted to share our news and let everyone know the good news and I can't wait for you to meet Baby Miller.

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