Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our day at the park

We took Ansley to our neighborhood park, sadly, for the very first time. I am not sure why we haven't been there before but she loved it. She LOVES to be outside and we love making her happy.

Here she is on the tire swing

She is thinking...thinking...

...but stops because she has cracked herself up

Stopping to catch some rays

Beep beep! Daddy, why aren't we moving?

Way up high on the big girl slide

Ansley and Daddy sliding down the slide

Grrrr...nah, that's not scaring this chick

Check out blondie

Ansley and Daddy on the teeter totter

This takes her back to the old days when she loved her baby swing

Daddy laying upside down to take a pic...

And then right side up...just still laying down

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

She needs to quit her day job

Ansley is so good at making us laugh. She really cracks me up. You all know that she loves her walker and I put a little video up of her in it last week. I did promise, however, to put up another video to show her progress... so here it is. She makes me laugh when I watch her because her little legs are going a mile a minute. I hope she brings a smile to your faces too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walking on sunshine...

There's no stopping Ansley now...she loves her walker and is really getting the hang of it. I filmed this little video on her second day of being in the walker so she was still a little rusty but now she is really walking (almost running) well. I will have to take another video of her to show how much better she is just a few days later. Mike and I watch her and just crack up because she is so excited to be on the move and her little legs are going a million miles a minute. She really is so funny and just cracks us up.

You'd be amazed... what we can see from our backyard. So the other night Mike told me that the shuttle launch was about to happen and he wanted to go outside to watch. I, to be completely honest, was not near as excited as he was about the launch and was perfectly content relaxing on the couch reading my book. Instead, being the good wife that I am, I did get up and go outside to watch the launch with him and also snapped a few pictures. I realize that these are not the best pics but I did the best that I could. I didn't have the camera with me when I first walked outside and had to run back in to grab the camera. Anyway, here was the best that I could do...

The new pad in progress

The front of the house

The back of the house

So, these are pictures from about 1 week ago of the new house. They are making good progress and we are thinking that they will be done way before the baby gets here... thank goodness. We try to drive by the house weekly and check on the status. Here are some photos and will put more up as time goes by.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

In just 4 short months...

...Ansley will turn 1 and it's crazy! I can hardly believe that she is 8 months old already. What might be even crazier is that I am almost 4 months pregnant...I'm not sure which one is harder to believe. Anyway, she is doing great and just learning so much every single day. She is starting to try and pull herself up and loves to be standing. She has a toy table that she will pull up on and stand up against while she is playing with it. I can't believe how good she is at that. We go for her 9 month check up here in a few weeks and I am interested to see how much she has grown because I feel like she is getting so tall. She also has very very light hair...when I say light I mean blonde and this is SO strange since Mike and I have very very dark hair. I realize that it will get darker but it just seems so funny right now. Nobody says it but I feel like they think that she is not ours since she looks so different...but she is and we are so so lucky!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One of her favorite things... to go to gymboree class. We have moved up to the 2nd level class and Ansley has such a good time there. We are doing a lot more activities now and trying to get the babies to crawl and move around. This past week we went to class and Nanny took a few videos of Ansley in action. I am going to put some of them up to give you an idea of the kinds of things we do.

*Don't forget to mute the music* "

Spin Class"...ha ha

"Mommy...I don't want this ride to end"


This teeter totter is kind of fun

Bubbles, bubbles...

...and more bubbles

Don't know what Mom is doing to me...but I like it

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sittin' pretty

Here is a little more video of Ansley sitting up like a big girl. I swear she is going to be walking before I know it. She loves to be sitting or standing these days. Gone are the days where she wants to be laying down. She loves for me to hold her hands and let her walk...well let her take little steps around the house. She really is something else and full of energy...I have a feeling I am going to have my hands full when she is walking around...can't wait!

*don't forget to mute the music*

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun

For Christmas this year...Mike surprised me and got me a trip to New York with my girlfriends. We planned it and decided to go this past weekend. It was so much fun and it was just nice to get away for a little bit and have some good quality girl time. Although it was fun...I defintely missed Ansley and Mike. Once we decided on when to go, I called Nanny and asked if she would come down to spend time with Mike and help out with Ansley. She came in on Monday and I left on Thursday. I took my camera with me but did not take even one picture. I know...I was so mad at myself and I could not believe that I didn't take any. Anyway, NYC was fun and we did a lot of shopping and walking around. We had a really great time but I really did miss Ansley a lot. I was a little upset when I left and was so excited to see her when I got back. She was a perfect angel while I was gone. She didn't cry or get upset that I was not there which I was really happy about...although I have to admit...I was hoping that she had missed me even a little. Anyway, they had so much fun while I was gone and I was glad that they were able to spend time together. I was able to get a little video of a trick/game that Nanny taught Ansley and some other cute photos.

Yes...we are a little crazy

So we have an annoucement to make...and yes you are going to think we are crazy... Ansley is going to be a big sister! We are pregnant and I am due on September 5th. I am about 14 weeks and will be finding out what we are having on April 9th. When I first told Mike...he was completely and totally shocked (and so was I) but after we both were able to pick ourselves off the ground (from fainting from the shock of it all) we became excited. There is a HUGE part of me that is anxious about having another baby so soon and so close in age to Ansley (they will only be 14 months apart) but there is another part of me that is happy that they will be close especially the older they get. Anyway, I wanted to share our news and let everyone know the good news and I can't wait for you to meet Baby Miller.