Sunday, December 7, 2008

Little Miss Twinkle Toes

There are important decisions that I have to make on a day to day basis. For instance, do I take a shower or get some "chores" done around the house while Ansley is napping? For all the moms out know what I am talking about. It is usually one or the other during a given nap time. Sometimes I am lucky and can do some things around the house during her morning nap and take a shower during the afternoon nap (or the other way around). The other day I was running around trying to get some things done around the house during Ansley's morning nap and was not able to get a shower in before she woke up. I needed to take a shower so I put Ansley in her Johnny Jump Up for a bit. She loved it! She was playing and just having a good time. It was too cute so I got out of the shower and had to get some footage.

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