Friday, August 15, 2008

Snug as a bug

...need I say more? She is so small still and she looks so peaceful and cute when she is laying on Mike's chest. There are times when it is late and we need to go to bed and neither of us have the heart to disturb we will just lay on the couch until she starts to wake a little. I must say though...laying on Mike must be one of her favorite places to be...cause she always seems so content and comfortable. I am still having to put her in her premie outfits and I think in just another few weeks...she will be able to wear her newborn things. I can't wait until she gets to be a little bigger and I can put her in some cute outfits. I feel like she has worn the same things over and over again. I would love to dress her in some of the cute outfits you all have bought her and post some pictures...but nothing fits right now. I am sure that it will soon.

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