Friday, August 15, 2008

Ansley Chase

Here are a few recent pictures of Ansley...will try and put some more up of her over the weekend.

Snug as a bug

...need I say more? She is so small still and she looks so peaceful and cute when she is laying on Mike's chest. There are times when it is late and we need to go to bed and neither of us have the heart to disturb we will just lay on the couch until she starts to wake a little. I must say though...laying on Mike must be one of her favorite places to be...cause she always seems so content and comfortable. I am still having to put her in her premie outfits and I think in just another few weeks...she will be able to wear her newborn things. I can't wait until she gets to be a little bigger and I can put her in some cute outfits. I feel like she has worn the same things over and over again. I would love to dress her in some of the cute outfits you all have bought her and post some pictures...but nothing fits right now. I am sure that it will soon.

Yeah...she's got him wrapped.. tight around little little finger. She loves her daddy and he sure does love her. Every night when Mike gets home from work...he goes straight to Ansley and wants to hold and love on her. It is too cute. I would like to think that she knows when he comes home and waits just as eagerly as I do for him to arrive home. They get their time together...especially after she eats...he loves to just hold her. I can't wait until she gets bigger and is really aware that her daddy is home. All of that talk Mike did before she was born has gone completely out the window...although I can't talk too much because I have done the same. Anyway, she defintely has her daddy wrapped and that little one is going to get whatever her little heart desires...if it is up to her daddy. I guess I am going to have to be the one to say no to her...or do I?

Can't get enough

Well, it's been 5 weeks now and we just can't get enough of our little Ansley. Mike and I are trying to adjust to being "Mommy and Daddy" and I think we have been doing pretty good. We love just holding her and spending time with her. We love it when she falls alseep on our chest and when she snuggles on us. I know that eventually we will need to try and let her fall alseep in her "bed" but for now...this is perfectly fine with us. She is getting bigger...we think she weighs around 7 pounds maybe 5 ounces. I am going to try and go weigh her sometime next week to find out for sure. She is eating a lot and seems to be awake a little more each day. She is holding her head up longer and longer and seems much more aware of everything. She smiled at us the other day and we would like to think that she did that because she wanted to and not because she had gas. Anyway, I will try and post some more pictures of her soon.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Grandma and me

Well, Grandma came back to visit us when Ansley had to have her procedure done...which we were so thankful for. Mike and I were really nervous about having to go through that on our own. Mike actually did really well...much better than we were both thinking he would do and much better than me. Grandma was here though and gave us a little help with that...and she also relieved me a little at night so I could get a little more sleep. I was able to get some pics while her Nanny was visiting and did not really have many pictures of Ansley with her I decided to take a few. We can't wait for both her Nanny and Grandma to come back and visit so we can take even more pictures of them together!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1 month and counting...

Well...Ansley is 1 month old! I can hardly believe it. She was 4 weeks this past Monday. I was supposed to have her on July she should only be a week old right now. How crazy is that? We are doing better. She now weighs 6 pounds 3 we are making progress. I love being with her though...she is such a sweet baby. She loves to be held...all of the time...but that's okay...we love holding her. Anyway, we are hoping that she gains some more weight and gets to sleep a little better at night. I think if I could get her to sleep even a few hours straight without me holding her...I will be good. She did sleep about 4 hours the other night and I felt like a million bucks. I will try and put up some new pics of her later on today. She has grown a little bit and I am sure that you are eager to see what she looks like.

Libby has arrived!

Our friends, Elizabeth and Jeremy, had their little girl on July 28th. Her name is Elizabeth Jane Given...AKA Libby...and she is so sweet. Ansley is so happy that her little friend is here and she can't wait until she gets to play with her. They are 3 weeks apart...almost exact. Libby weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces and has a full head of hair. I thought Ansley had a good bit of hair until I met sweet Libby. It looks like she has highlights in her hair...I love it. I wish Ansley had a bit more hair...but that's okay...she has more than I did when I was little. Anyway, mom and baby are doing well and are back home. We can't wait until we can start our play dates together. Hopefully I can get some pics up here of Libby soon.

Lost but now found

Well, sorry it has been a few days since I have posted anything. We lost our internet connection for some reason (I still don't know why) and I couldn't get on here to write anything. Everything is good now though and we have our internet back! Well, Ansley is doing well...just trying to adjust to being at home by ourselves. We are still not sleeping too great at night...but oh well...I guess that is something we will work on. Lots has happened since I have last been on here. We found out that Ansley does have a problem with the urine in her kidneys...I am not even going to try and say the name of what she has because I can't barely say it much less spell it. We took her to a pediatric urologist and ran a few tests on her. We have ruled out her having reflux...we are just now trying to figure out if she has a blockage. Anyway, she had to have a VCU and it was pretty awful. I could not watch...thankfully my mom and Mike were there to hold her hands while she cried. She did a lot better than I was expecting her to do...but it was still awful to listen to. We have to do another ultrasound and then another possible test to determine if she has a blockage. If so...that will require please say a prayer for her...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Splish splash

Well, we had our first real bath since the cord fell off. She did really good and did not mind it at all. In fact, I would say that she likes taking a bath. I don't know that I did such a great job since it was my first time...but I get better and better with each bath we take. Ansley is so calm when she is submerged in the water which I am hoping that means that she likes the water. She is still so small that I can give her a bath in the kitchen sink with PLENTY of room. Anyway, just wanting to put up some pics of her during bath time!