Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Belated Christmas
As you all know...we were (and are) in Huntsville for Christmas. I have not been able to put any pictures up here but as soon as I get home I will be posting a lot of pics for everyone. We have been very busy since we got here. We were doing some much needed (yeah right) last minute Christmas shopping and making sure that we had plenty of presents under the tree. Jason, Lyn and Ody came in and we were so excited to see them. Ody has really grown and is SO cute. It was funny because last year...Ansley was growing in my belly and Ody was about the age that Ansley was this Christmas. It was good because I was able to get an idea of how she would be next year. We had a lot of good family time and it was just really nice to be together. We had a couple of things that were distracting (ie: Ody was sick - bless his heart -and then Grandpa got sick) but for the most was really nice. Ansley did catch a little something but she really is doing much better. She had her very first sickness (if you want to call it that) and had a little runny nose. I really shouldn't call it a runny nose because it was basically stuck in her nose and would not come out. My poor sweet baby was not feeling very good on Christmas so that was sad...but she never got fussy or anything. As always...she was good natured and sweet. I have had a lot of people tell me this but I truly have been blessed with a good baby and she really is so sweet. I am very lucky and very very blessed. Daddy (Mike) got here on Christmas Eve's Eve and he just left this 6 am...from Birmingham...which meant that Mommy got up a 3am and drive him 2 hours there and 2 hours back...but I love him and he's worth it. Ansley was baptized on Christmas Eve (even though she wasn't feeling her best) and did great. It was completely a last minute thing and we were sad that our whole family and friends were not there but we were definitely thinking about them. It was the craziest thing...the Chaplain that baptized Ansley (in Huntsville, AL) was the same one that baptized Ody (in San Antonio, TX) crazy is that? We walked in and Mike and my brother immediately recognized him. It was really something else. I could not believe it. Apparently, he had just come from San Antonio (where his family lives and where he is stationed - he is an Army Chaplain) and was flying to Hawaii the next day to visit his daughter which is where Justin, Tricia and Kayla live. Anyway, it was very nice and Ansley looked beautiful. Ansley and I are leaving on Wednesday and are heading back to Orlando. We don't miss Orlando but we miss being with Mike and the pups. I am ready for Ansley to be back in her routine and I hope that she is feeling much better. Sorry I can't put up any pictures...but I promise that I will. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! We love you all and wish everyone the best in 2009.
Friday, December 19, 2008
A shout out to my Daddy
Ansley wanted me to tell her Daddy a message since she can't type it herself. Here is her message... I love you so much and I miss you more than anything. I want you to know that I think you are the best Daddy and I am so lucky. (I did mention to her that Daddy was going Xmas shopping tomorrow and I think she is trying to butter him up a little...although everything she is saying is completely true). I can't wait to see you next hurry up Daddy!
Santa Claus is coming to a different town
Ansley and I came to Huntsville to visit with the family for the holidays. Unfortunately, Justin, Tricia and Kayla are in Hawaii this year and we are really missing them. Mike and I thought we were going to stay in Orlando this Xmas but since Jason, Lyn and Ody were able to come to my parents, we decided to come as well. Mike is not able to come until Christmas Eve because he doesn't have any time off available but we have missed him so much. I have to tell you...I was scared about making the trip without Mike. I was nervous that I would not be able to handle it but as usual...Ansley was awesome. We flew Southwest and we were able to get boarding group A (which meant that we could board the plane first) and so we took a seat near the front. It was funny because right up until the very last person one wanted to sit next to us. They went ALL the way to the very back of the plane to avoid having to sit next to a baby. Little did they know just how good Ansley is and would have been completely fine sitting next to us. Don't get me wrong...I loved having an open seat (make that 2) next to won't hear any complaints from me about it. Everything was good and Ansley has been doing great. She gets her special bath time with Grandma and Grandpa which she loves. I have taken many pictures and video...but I am not able to post it until I get back home. I will have to do an "overview" of Xmas and put all of those up for you to see. Well, Mike gets here next week and we are SO excited. Ansley really misses her Daddy. We talk to him every morning and night (and a few times during the day) but her eyes light up when he talks to her and I am not just saying that. She really knows his voice and I think she is going to be super excited to see him. Although I am excited about this Christmas...I think next year will be even more fun because Ansley will be so much more aware. Well, I will defintely write some more later to tell you how things went but for now I am going to go spend some time with the fam.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Did someone say shopping???

As I had mentioned before...we had some visitors, Philip and Rhea, last weekend and they came bearing gifts. One of which was this super cute dress. She was a little worried because it was 3 months...but as you can fits perfect. I know she can't say it but Ansley love clothes as much as her mommy does. I don't think daddy is too excited about that but I sure am. Anyway, just thought we would put up a picture since we didn't get to wear it last weekend.
Count me in!
As I had mentioned before...we had some visitors, Philip and Rhea, last weekend and they came bearing gifts. One of which was this super cute dress. She was a little worried because it was 3 months...but as you can fits perfect. I know she can't say it but Ansley love clothes as much as her mommy does. I don't think daddy is too excited about that but I sure am. Anyway, just thought we would put up a picture since we didn't get to wear it last weekend.
Count me in!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Our little social butterfly
Our gymboree class had a party for all the parents and kids the other day. Mike, Ansley and I went thinking it would be something fun for Ansley (side note: I do realize that she is only 5 months old and there is only so much that she would think is "fun"). Anyway, I was under the impression that it would be a fun time and I was WRONG. I mean, I can see that it would be fun for her next year but not so much this year. There were so many kids running around and it was a free for all basically. There was nothing set up for Ansley's age group and nothing really to do except for me to hold her. Mike and I did get to talk to the other people in my class which was good. We took a few pics at the "party" so you could see Ansley's new friends...
All I have to do is bat these beautiful blue eyes

Daddy, can I take it home...please?

Mommy, who's the stiff?

Guilty...I love kisses

Meet my new friend Samuel

Ansley, Samuel, Franklin, and Skyler

Here's another new friend...Franklin

Mom, you've got to cut the cord...

...I'm single and ready to mingle

Here I am with Mom and I kind of like the attention
All I have to do is bat these beautiful blue eyes
Daddy, can I take it home...please?
Mommy, who's the stiff?
Guilty...I love kisses
Meet my new friend Samuel
Ansley, Samuel, Franklin, and Skyler
Here's another new friend...Franklin
Mom, you've got to cut the cord...
...I'm single and ready to mingle
Here I am with Mom and I kind of like the attention
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Say it isn't so
Ansley is 5 months old...yes...5 months! Can you believe it? I really feel like time has flown by and it seems so crazy that she is already 5 months old. Christmas will be here before we know it and then she will be 6 months old. She is doing so great. We are playing so much more and she is so aware of everything. I can really tell in our gymboree class how much she is learning.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Short but sweet
We had some friends come into town to visit this past weekend. Philip and Rheagan came to visit and although it was was nice to see some familiar faces. They came in late Friday and left early Sunday. The boys did stay home Saturday and watched Ansley for us so Rhea and I could go on a little shopping trip. It was fun to get out and I think it was good for Mike to spend some one on one time with his little sweety. We didn't really have a chance to take any pictures of them with Ansley but we were able to get a short video of Rhea holding Ansley. Anyway, Ansley was just tickled and was laughing and it was too cute not to share...
Just a reminder...mute the music so you can hear Ansley laughing
Just a reminder...mute the music so you can hear Ansley laughing
Love is a battlefield
Okay, so I told you the other day that I put Ansley in her Johnny Jump Up and she loved it. Well, she did...however after I got her out of it...we were sitting on the couch and I noticed some blood on her toes. Of course I freaked out at first because I had no idea where the blood was coming from. I shortly realized that she had a little cut on her toe. She never cried and it didn't seem to bother her but I felt bad about her cutting her foot. She was fine, of course, and I was way more worried about it than she was. The only thing I can think of is that she must have scrapped her toe on the grout from the tile floor? Anyway, thought I would show everyone her first boo boo :(

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Little Miss Twinkle Toes
There are important decisions that I have to make on a day to day basis. For instance, do I take a shower or get some "chores" done around the house while Ansley is napping? For all the moms out know what I am talking about. It is usually one or the other during a given nap time. Sometimes I am lucky and can do some things around the house during her morning nap and take a shower during the afternoon nap (or the other way around). The other day I was running around trying to get some things done around the house during Ansley's morning nap and was not able to get a shower in before she woke up. I needed to take a shower so I put Ansley in her Johnny Jump Up for a bit. She loved it! She was playing and just having a good time. It was too cute so I got out of the shower and had to get some footage.
It won't be long before I'm wearing those bows mommy bought for me

So I am so excited because Ansley's locks are starting to come in. I know this is going to seem crazy and you might think I have lost it. I was talking to a friend (Jane) the other day and we were just having a normal conversation...talking about what the kids were doing and anything new that had happened. I was telling her that while we were in Pennsylvania, it seemed like Ansley's hair really started to come in. Nanny and Aunt Jen had even made some comments about her hair growing while we were there so I know that I am not just making myself think so. Now I realize that it may not seem like she has a lot of hair still and you may not be able to tell in this picture but Mike and I can really tell. Anyway, I said that I would put up some here they are. I just know that I am going to be putting some bows in her locks someday soon...and I can't wait.
So I am so excited because Ansley's locks are starting to come in. I know this is going to seem crazy and you might think I have lost it. I was talking to a friend (Jane) the other day and we were just having a normal conversation...talking about what the kids were doing and anything new that had happened. I was telling her that while we were in Pennsylvania, it seemed like Ansley's hair really started to come in. Nanny and Aunt Jen had even made some comments about her hair growing while we were there so I know that I am not just making myself think so. Now I realize that it may not seem like she has a lot of hair still and you may not be able to tell in this picture but Mike and I can really tell. Anyway, I said that I would put up some here they are. I just know that I am going to be putting some bows in her locks someday soon...and I can't wait.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Rollie Pollie
I have been trying my hardest to get this on video and I was finally able to do it. It isn't the best footage but it was the best that I could do. Everytime I go to get the camera to get her rolling over on video, she has already done it. I just happened to have the camera (because I was trying to take a picture of her) and I was just able to get it on video...which is the reason that I don't have the beginning part of her in action. Anyway, hopefully I will be able to get better footage of her rolling soon but until then...enjoy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Never lost...but has defintely been found
Ansley has found her feet and she loves them! She has been pulling on them for a little while but she is completely aware of her feet now. Every chance she gets she is reaching for them and playing with them. I have to's pretty darn cute. She is just so much more active and aware of everything. I can't believe that in just 3 days she is going to be 5 months old. Where has the time gone? I love that she is being playful and that I am seeing her little personality come through each day but it also makes me a little sad. Only because she is soon going to be my sweet little girl instead of my sweet little baby. I miss her being 5 pounds but I am so happy that she is healthy and developing more and more every day.
**Please remember to mute the music before watching the video**
Doesn't get much better than this
Nanny's favorite girls

Ansley snuggling with her Aunt Jen

Pappy Carl playing with Ansley

Aunt Monica lovin' with Ansley

Jen, Mark, Mike and Rick

Here are the Miller kids with Dad

Kim, Jen, Dad, me and Monica (I am starting to really blend in)

Aunt Kim rocking Ansley

Ansley with her favorite Aunt Jen

Ansley loves her cousin Cortney...

...and she loves her cousin Morgan too

Ansley has the best cousins...she is SO lucky

Aren't they sweet?

Sitting up like a big girl

Ansley with her Pappy

Daddy and Ansley on Thanksgiving

She loves her cousin Mason
Ansley snuggling with her Aunt Jen
Pappy Carl playing with Ansley
Aunt Monica lovin' with Ansley
Jen, Mark, Mike and Rick
Here are the Miller kids with Dad
Kim, Jen, Dad, me and Monica (I am starting to really blend in)
Aunt Kim rocking Ansley
Ansley with her favorite Aunt Jen
Ansley loves her cousin Cortney...
...and she loves her cousin Morgan too
Ansley has the best cousins...she is SO lucky
Aren't they sweet?
Sitting up like a big girl
Ansley with her Pappy
Daddy and Ansley on Thanksgiving
She loves her cousin Mason
Big surprises come in small packages
Well, I can now let the cat out of the bag. We surprised Mike's family and went to see them for Thanksgiving. We wanted to make it a special Thanksgiving and we decided months ago to make the trip. We were so excited to see everyone...and for everyone to see Ansley. We flew in and Pappy Dick picked us up from the airport. Ansley did really good on the plane (although she did have 3...yes I said 3...dirty diapers in a row on the plane). Thank goodness we had an empty seat in our row and were able to lay her down and change her. Anyway, Nanny and Pappy Carl just moved to a new home and we didn't have their we drove over to Todd and Jen's house (Mike's sister and brother in law) to surprise them first. Then we got directions and went to see Nanny. We put Ansley on the door step and rang the door bell and when Nanny came to the door...she was shocked...which we loved! She was so surprised and happy that we came. We had a great Thanksgiving and loved seeing all of the fam. Here is a short video of Ansley surprising her Nanny.
Please note that the camera man did not get a great picture...but you can see Nanny when she first opens the door and you can hear's better than nothing
Please note that the camera man did not get a great picture...but you can see Nanny when she first opens the door and you can hear's better than nothing
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Turkey day is upon us!
Well, I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. This year has gone by so fast and it's crazy that the holidays are already upon us. It's hard to believe that 2009 is just around the corner. I have to say that I am a little sad about this holiday season because we are in Orlando and will not be around family or friends. Mike and I are excited because it will Ansley's first...well...her first everything but we will be missing our family and friends SO much.
"I am so thankful for you"!

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful and there is so much that I am thankful for. First of all...I am thankful to God for taking such good care of us. He has blessed us with so many different things and so many opportunities. I am so thankful that I have the most amazing husband. Mike has been so awesome about everything and he is so good with Ansley. I love him as my best friend, as my husband and as Ansley's daddy. I am so thankful for my beautiful, sweet baby. I was truly blessed to have a baby as good and sweet as she is. She has really been the best baby and I am thankful for that. I am thankful that she is healthy and growing everyday. I feel so lucky to be able to stay home with her and take care of her. I am so thankful for my family. I have the best family and they are all so important to us. They are not only an extremely important part of our lives but in Ansley's life as well. We don't get to see them all that much but we love them all and send our very best to everyone in Alabama, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Texas (about to be Kansas), and New Hampshire. I also very thankful for our friends. We love them like they were family and could not have made it through this year without them. I want you all to know how much we love you and miss you!!! Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours!
"Happy Thanksgiving...I love you!"
"I am so thankful for you"!
Thanksgiving is all about being thankful and there is so much that I am thankful for. First of all...I am thankful to God for taking such good care of us. He has blessed us with so many different things and so many opportunities. I am so thankful that I have the most amazing husband. Mike has been so awesome about everything and he is so good with Ansley. I love him as my best friend, as my husband and as Ansley's daddy. I am so thankful for my beautiful, sweet baby. I was truly blessed to have a baby as good and sweet as she is. She has really been the best baby and I am thankful for that. I am thankful that she is healthy and growing everyday. I feel so lucky to be able to stay home with her and take care of her. I am so thankful for my family. I have the best family and they are all so important to us. They are not only an extremely important part of our lives but in Ansley's life as well. We don't get to see them all that much but we love them all and send our very best to everyone in Alabama, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Texas (about to be Kansas), and New Hampshire. I also very thankful for our friends. We love them like they were family and could not have made it through this year without them. I want you all to know how much we love you and miss you!!! Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours!
"Happy Thanksgiving...I love you!"
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ansley in action
Ansley loves playing with her toy balls

She was born to be a Penn State fan

Am I cute or what?

Ready for an outing

I kind of like it up here...

...but I like it here long as I am with my daddy

I will sporting these hairbands until my locks grow out

This Archie...he sure does love giving me kisses

We are liking this Florida sun

She's obsessed with her feet...which by the way have not grown at all

Daddy says that I look like a Jedi Knight...I think he's crazy

Tummy time with my daddy

She is pulling and holding her head up like a champ
She was born to be a Penn State fan
Am I cute or what?
Ready for an outing
I kind of like it up here...
...but I like it here long as I am with my daddy
I will sporting these hairbands until my locks grow out
This Archie...he sure does love giving me kisses
We are liking this Florida sun
She's obsessed with her feet...which by the way have not grown at all
Daddy says that I look like a Jedi Knight...I think he's crazy
Tummy time with my daddy
She is pulling and holding her head up like a champ
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