I feel like time is getting away from me for so many reasons and it's starting to get a little stressful. Ansley's birthday is just around the corner and I haven't given that near enough time or energy. I need to really get on that and figure out what we are doing. Then there's the matter of this baby coming...oh my! I feel like it's right around the corner and I want more time! I don't know that I am ready for him to come out yet. There are just so many things going on that require a lot of time and I just just don't have near enough. We have our house on the market and that clock is really ticking away. I keep thinking about how much harder it's going to be to show it when I have a little one here. It's difficult enough keeping the house in order and leaving on cue with two little ones and adding another one to the mix is exhausting to think about. Anyway, I just wish I had a little more time to do well...everything. It's been a crazy summer so far although the kids have really been good seeing how they haven't had much to do. I feel bad that we aren't taking them anywhere fun for vacation but maybe next year or after the little guy comes. I went to the doctor this past Wednesday and she "checked" me (UGH!!!...did NOT look forward to that at all although it was not near as bad as I had expected) and I am already 3 1/2 cm! Can I say oh my again? Although I could go another week or two even though I am dilated that much so I am going to stay positive. My poor babies have been so good with not being able to do much (with me being prego and all) and I have realized just how really good they are. Most kids get to do activities, go somewhere fun for vacation, go to the pool, things like that and my sweet ones have pretty much been at the house since "school" got out and haven't batted an eye. I'm a lucky Mommy. Anyway, we have still a long summer ahead of us and hopefully we can go something fun for their birthdays which I am denial about because I can't believe that they are getting older :( In the meantime...I can hear that clock ticking and I wish it would SLOW down...for so many reasons...
Our last day of "school"

I know what you are thinking but no...he was just squating

She LOVES to go somewhere...anywhere...

...and he loves to just be next to her