Merry belated Xmas to everyone and Happy New Year!!!
Watching for her favorite guy to come home

Ansley after a long day at school

Doing what she loves...eating a snack

Ansley looking amazed at all the Xmas lights/decorations

Uncle Justin & Kayla playing with Ty

Ty is all smiles

Uncle Justin being silly as always

Ansley having a night cap after dinner

Grandma loving on Ty and loving it

Aunt Tricia and Ansley blowing kisses to "elf"

Kayla wanting to give Ansley some kisses

Aunt Lyn reading Kayla & Ody a bedtime story

All the cousins before the madness begins (in their matching pjs)

Princess Kayla after opening some dress up clothes

Ansley lovin' on her Uncle Justin

I guess Santa thought Grandma was good this year too

Uncle Jason getting in on the action

Here's my little man just sitting & watching...not making a peep

Tricia opening her beautiful diamond ring...someone was GOOD

Ody being patient and waiting to open up one of his MANY gifts

Kayla and Ansley just waiting to tear open their next gift

Grandpa helping Ansley out with one of hers

Ansley opening up a BIG gift

Playing with one of her favorites...Elmo

I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted anything. I feel like time has just flown by. I meant to post something a few weeks ago but I just never seemed to have a chance to sit down and do it. I promise that I will keep up and try not to get behind again. I hope everyone had a wonderful Xmas. We were definitely missing those we weren't able to see...we certainly had you in our thoughts. We spent Xmas in Huntsville and I saw my brothers (and sisters) and my neice and nephew which was nice. It has been a while since I have been able to spend time with them. It was definitely crazy and didn't go exactly as I thought but it was really nice to spend time with family. Jason, Lyn and Ody are doing great. I can't believe how grown up Ody is and he is just so smart. He has so much energy and is becomming a little man. Justin, Tricia and Kayla are doing so good too. Kayla is so smart and sweet...she is just too cute. She has so many curls! I just could not get over it. I wish Ansley had some of those curls...they must come from the Ashbrook side of the family. Tricia looked so good...especially for being 9 months pregnant. I couldn't believe how small she was and was such a trooper. Anyway, it was nice to have the kids together because they don't really get to see eachother. Ansley and Ty are doing awesome. Ansley was sick over Xmas (again...for the second year in a row) which kind of sucked. She had fever for 6 days straight and I was starting to get worried. On the 6th day, her fever finally broke. She really didn't eat anything those 5 days and she didn't need to lose any weight to begin with. She is doing much better now though. She is completely back to normal, eating so much and is just back to her happy self. Ty is growing so much. He is such a good good baby. Everyone that is around him always tells me how good he is which he really is. At Xmas...he didn't cry once and barely made a noise. He was just very easy and good. On Xmas morning, we spent a good while opening presents and he just sat in his bouncy chair and never made a peep. Anyway, here are some pics from before and during Xmas...and I will post some more very soon. I know it is very very belated...but I hope everyone had a wonderful Xmas and Happy New Year!